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Anyone playing Forza Motorsport 3?


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I like cars too. Picked this up a couple days ago. I think i'm lvl 20 or 21. This is probably the best racing game...to date. Everything is top notch. Graphics, and cars look exactly the way the should. Tracks are great, and fun. Tons, and tons of cars. List goes on, if you haven't played it. I reccomend it.

NOTE: This is probably the closest i'll ever get to driving a Vette. What pisses me off, is seeing a lady (usually older) drive a new Z06. Probably no idea how to even check the oil, or even know what a oil change is. Never utilizes the car's hp, but bought it because it looks nice. Yes...i'm jealous. :nono::D

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This will turn into a GT5 vs FM3 thread... mark my words.

I have FM2, and its a good game. I'll usually buy it if it has a Buick GN in it (I bought PGR4 for the Hayabusa and GN in it). If I would've gotten ahold of the G8 GXP I was spying, I would've had to run out and get FM3 right away.

I'll probably still get it, but MUCH later when it's like < $30

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I'll probably still get it, but MUCH later when it's like < $30

Agreed... I liked FM, and FM2. However, FM2 took forever, I still haven't beat it. That and the acheivements were ridiculous to get. Or I am just a turrable driver...turrable turrable turrable.

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I'm at level 51 (I think) right now on FM2. I finally turned that AI down to Easy after beating them all at medium up to level 49 (I think) - and I still have a bunch of endurance races and R2/R1 class races to do yet.

But, easy is too easy now and I'm lapping the AI by the end of the race. So, I hope FM3 fixes that at least.

Medium is too hard and easy is too easy.

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I'm at level 51 (I think) right now on FM2. I finally turned that AI down to Easy after beating them all at medium up to level 49 (I think) - and I still have a bunch of endurance races and R2/R1 class races to do yet.

But, easy is too easy now and I'm lapping the AI by the end of the race. So, I hope FM3 fixes that at least.

Medium is too hard and easy is too easy.

I definitely think they fixed the difficulty. Easy is way to easy, but medium and hard give great challenges. I can't remember on FM2, but there's a bunch of assists you can turn off and on. As far as the Buick Grand National. In all the Forza's i believe they've had one. And they definitely do in Forza 3. The only car from Buick actually.

There's a national here in Lancaster about a block from me. Just sits...and sits. Pretty sad. :(

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I have been considering picking this up but somehow I get bored with playing all the same tracks over and over again. Some races just end up being too long and I lose interest. I heard its a hell of a game and if I ever find a wheel and pedals for cheap I might take the plunge and get it. I think I still have my FM2 as well

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Been playing it a lot too! Great physics, if a little tough. I play on full expert difficulty and the lack of ABS has sent me off into the grass more than a few times, but still very rewarding. My favorite car is probably the Ford RS200, that thing jumps off the line so fast I can damage my engine hitting the car in front of me.

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Gt5 ftw!

If the gran turismo people could ever release a game at the time they originally say it's coming out then I might say it's FTW. however, since Forza3 is out and GT5 is not. Forza3 FTW for now.

Personally I think both games are awesome. I've been a gran turismo guy for ever but I like the xbox360 controller better for racing games and found forza2 to be very nice since there is really no ps3 gran turismo yet, and no the prologue doesn't count.

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Played the prologue extensively, graphics are slightly better but the physics and customization in Forza win hands down. Also, there really are a LOT of tracks on this game. Including some of my favorites like Nurburgring, and road rallies. Sadly, no dirt though :(

One of my favorite cars, on here . . . but without downforce it just skitters across the pavement, pretty dang tricky.


(pic squished and pixelated)

Some people are absolutely insane in the amount of detail in a paint scheme. Plus, it saves me a LOT of time to just purchase a design with in game credits vs taking an hour to get it the way I want. I'll try to get a few other car pics up, probably be playing some tonight.

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I play every night I have time. Playing with the wheel really helps, and the feeling is pretty accurate when you use the Microsoft wheel with the force feedback. The only assist I use is ABS since the brake pedal has no feedback and I can't tell that I'm about to break loose until it happens and I hear the squealing. Other than that, I use no assits and just leave the AI at medium. It's a good challenge and with equal cars I can win every time if I'm smart about my moves and keep my lines clean.

The Livery system is staggering. Simply fantastic. I have one simple design on my storefront, but I've bought countless others. Some people out there are crazy talented.

We'll need to get some races together sometime since the multiplayer matchmaking scheme sucks copious amounts of donkey balls. If you guys set it up from time to time, I'll try to get in.

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Yeah Jarvis hit me up sometime. Like you said with ABS there's almost no warning, but when it comes to multiplayer it's fun to turn it off in the lobby and watch people go squealing off into the tirewall :lol:

Jealous of your wheel, haven't been able to justify it yet.

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