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So I'm keeping them for the time being. But I've made some changes. I have built a house for them in the garage with a small area to wander around. Right now as long as I am home I let them run freely around the backyard. And they get a little bit of time in the house still, under extremely close supervision.

I hope this works out for me and them. Also,I'll take pictures sometime soon so all you dog lovers can approve or disapprove of their altered living arrangement.

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Dustin I understand the frustration that you're feeling but I think you're doing the right thing by keeping your dogs.

I'm not much of a dog person but Mike and I have 3 kitty boys between the two of us..... it can definitely be a challenge! I get frustrated and the constant fur on my clothing, furniture, curtains and carpet and the fact that our couches and chairs are getting trashed from claws (can't bear to declaw them because it mutilates their paws). Overall though, they add more joy than trouble and I love my little furry boys.

You'll find a balance with your pups.

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Anyone have a suggestion for something soft I could toss in that they won't destroy in 6 hours?

So far I've gone through 2 dog beds, a blanket, and a piece of carpet nailed down. What's soft to lay on but resistant enough to not get destroyed? Or just let them lay on a hard surface?

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they have chew toys, but they still destroy the blankets/beds/carpet?

that's a toughie.

i'm just in the stage where i'm letting the dog out of the crate for a couple hours at a time while we're gone. i'm afraid he's going to tear some shit up, but he's been going crazy on his nylabones and stuffed toys and nothing else.

maybe do sessions of "leave it" training while they're ON the blanket, bed, etc? When they start tearing into the stuff, stop them firmly and give them the bone/rope toy and if they start chewing that, give them treats and affection. not sure if that would work since they may behave differently while you're gone. If nothing works, they'll just have to sleep on the hard surface til they settle down and stop chewing non-toys up.

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man, i must have gotten lucky. my boxer has never shredded anything like that. Best suggestion is to train them what is ok and what is not ok to mess with through observation. Watch them and the moment you see them go to mess with what you dont want them to, do the "Cesar Milan" pinch on their neck(s). then provide them with something they can mutilate and treat them as a reward for chewing the "good" thing. Takes patience and, depending on how stubborn they are, lots of time. i only let my dog have one of those $5 fleece blankets from walmart in her crate for a while until i could trust her, then she got a doggie bed.

do you have any books on dog training? definitely pick one up. the #1 cause of doggie destruction is boredom coupled with too much energy. aka get 'em tired. roller blades work best for her and me.

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Well this issue isn't when I'm home, it's when I'm away or overnight when I can't be around them.

They've got 3 chew toys in their pin. Yet the soft stuff is still the first option. When I am home and they come inside they don't chew or destroy anything.

I can only discipline when they are doing something wrong, and I can never be around when they destroy something like their bedding.

Also I don't think it's the boxer, it's the lab...

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Anyone have a suggestion for something soft I could toss in that they won't destroy in 6 hours?

So far I've gone through 2 dog beds, a blanket, and a piece of carpet nailed down. What's soft to lay on but resistant enough to not get destroyed? Or just let them lay on a hard surface?

My Lab has slept on the hard floor of her crate for 4 years and is fine.

you could try a little sour apple spray on the soft items... They sell it at pet stores.

My dog loved that shit. I had to use Daves Insanity Sauce on the wood cabinets she chewed on.

Also I don't think it's the boxer, it's the lab...

Its the lab. They are stupid and will eat anything. Mine shit out a complete blanket before I got smart.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm back to this again.

I am intent on having one. I am still having difficulty. So I am wanting to focus on having one dog. So does anyone want one dog? Anyone know someone who is looking for a dog?

I am making the choice to let go of the male. He's boxer/beagle mix. He came from a shelter and has some baggage. I don't know how to deal with him. He just seems to be insecure. He's fixed and current on all but kennel cough. He needs a lot of attention, a really calm owner, and another dog around (imo).

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Mine did the shredding before. So they didn't have one anymore. Concrete it is. Then months later when they were begging to come in out of the cold they finally figured out the pillow is warmer.

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I have two also and one from a rescue. He will destroy any soft item in his crate he sleeps in! so he sleeps on the plastic crate now. He is great with my four kids and ignores all the tail pulling and fur grabbing from my 2 year old. He had some baggage when he came home also he worked it out with some positive training. I feel ya I have 2 dogs 4 kids and work swing shift. there are days the dogs drive me and my wife crazy.

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