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How can I find someone's old posts past the 500?


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I went through the archives...I'm looking for something very specific that I believe was written in early August or September and the archives only went back to like 9-22-09. Is there anyway to search more specifically?

*p.s. for anyone who remembers me, I am sorry for my absence, I guess I've missed a lot!! :( I had to sell my bike and was pretty beat up about it.... :(

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I kinda thought it was. Without a bike aren't you just a groupee or wannabee :D

Welcome back Sara :cool:

Well, having a bike is the point of the site, yes. At least she has had a bike when she was actively participating.

There have been more than a couple groupies and/or wannabees around here, too.

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If her b/f was still on here, then I don't see any reason for her not to be here...but he's not. They both got hurt feelings an ran away. There are a lot of "backpacks" on here and nobody seems to care. The more the merrier, I guess. Whatever.

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...There are a lot of "backpacks" on here and nobody seems to care. The more the merrier, I guess. Whatever.

I know, like it really matters anyway, like I'm not gonna talk to her cause she doesn't (currently) have a bike, just havin fun here :p

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If her b/f was still on here, then I don't see any reason for her not to be here...but he's not. They both got hurt feelings an ran away. There are a lot of "backpacks" on here and nobody seems to care. The more the merrier, I guess. Whatever.

What did I get hurt feelings about? LOL Wrecking my bike? (sh*t happens), selling it? (that totally sucked!!) or something else all together?

I AM in the market for another bike. I tend to be sort of wreckless as a beginner, so I'm thinking I'll stick with the dual sport for a while, doesn't break as easily..lol. I rode Michael's a lot, the WR250RR and it was WAY better than my bike...only problem is, they cost money which I don't have which is why I had to sell mine in the first place. I'm such a girl....I cried when the man who bought it rode away....then I laughed, cause I was watching a grown man ride a purple bike....haha...then I cried again, cause he was riding and I wasn't....lol

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What did I get hurt feelings about? LOL Wrecking my bike? (sh*t happens), selling it? (that totally sucked!!) or something else all together?

I'm not refering to wrecking. Hell, most of us do that at one point or another, but since you asked...I'm refering to your old intro thread. You seemed to just disappear after it all went down.


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LOL, oh...that... *blush* I could care less about all that. It was all done it fun. Jokes and Dirty Comments were expected. I guess I sort of did disappear after that, but for completely unrelated reasons. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat, only I'd provide WAY better pics. ;)

It's only wierd because at some point I will actually see the people on this site, and at that point it would feel dirty instead of funny. Who knows how many of you jerk it to the pictures that get posted on here....

anyway, no hard feelings from me, just had to deal with some other things that were going on....

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don't let your mouth write checks your body can't cash!

That's clever, but in case you didn't read the rest of my post...I said it would be wierd when I'm actually face to face with y'all. There are plenty of other boobs on this forum and on the internet in general. You want them, go look elsewhere for them...sorry :(

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That's clever, but in case you didn't read the rest of my post...I said it would be wierd when I'm actually face to face with y'all. There are plenty of other boobs on this forum and on the internet in general. You want them, go look elsewhere for them...sorry :(

i was just kidding, boobs are only a google search away. Or I guess I could ask my wife... but I've seen hers... ALOT so its always exciting to see a new pair.

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