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Some people have their heads in the fog....


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This thread isn't SPECIFICALLY one of the "OG" threads, but I worked that in!

I'm referring to the discussion on Obama's speech, and the media talking about it, too.

Also, talking about the idiots in the thread Swingr posted about crashing downtown...

It just seems that people are turning into a bunch of dumb drones....

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I think its because individuals in society don't hold people responsible for their actions enough. I think we should tell those people who can't drive that they shouldn't be driving and that they're bad at it.... etc. hrm... i might start doing this. lol

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Look at all the people who have been mis-directed. Watching the news lately, all these "scientist's" are starting to step down from their "Climatologist" positions. With other "real" scientists coming out now that its getting safe to do so and talking about there is no such thing as Global warming or actually that man has no significant effect on it.

The real scientist say that actually we could stand to increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, it would be good for all the plants. Of all gasses out there CO2 is nearly last on the list as a "greenhouse gas"

The Wacko's have been shoving this down peoples throats for years now and have even taught this in schools. The world is meeting in Copenhagen soon to discuss The USA having to pay reparations to the rest of the world for producing all the CO2 that has made their world such a bad place to live and to create a one world government to oversee this problem.

The whole freakin world has been conned!!!!!!!!

Greatest Hoax in the history of the world....... LMAO

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The world is meeting in Copenhagen soon to discuss The USA having to pay reparations to the rest of the world for producing all the CO2 that has made their world such a bad place to live and to create a one world government to oversee this problem.

The whole freakin world has been conned!!!!!!!!

Greatest Hoax in the history of the world....... LMAO

If they think there's too much CO2, they need to quit breathing! Jussayin'.

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