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To protect and serve?


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Now see what you fuckers went and done. This thread is totally ruined now and can't be brought back on track because you took it off of its subject. Jew bashing should have a thread of its own. I don't blame the mods for hating you guys.


Cops are like chicken nuggets at McD.... every now and then you get a bad one and it ruins the whole batch.

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Guns is bad. It convinced my son to point it at himself and pull the trigger, you can't trust them they have mind control powers.

I don't know what I would do in that situation but I think I would have drawn down on him as soon as his hands came back into sight without the gun when he put it behind him in his waistband.

The cop might have made some mistakes but his outcome ended up just fine for himself, I'm glad he got to go home that night. Plus one for the good guy.

I still think moving this thread was uncalled for and served no good purpose. Were people complaining about it?

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Guns is bad. It convinced my son to point it at himself and pull the trigger, you can't trust them they have mind control powers.

I don't know what I would do in that situation but I think I would have drawn down on him as soon as his hands came back into sight without the gun when he put it behind him in his waistband.

The cop might have made some mistakes but his outcome ended up just fine for himself, I'm glad he got to go home that night. Plus one for the good guy.

I still think moving this thread was uncalled for and served no good purpose. Were people complaining about it?

It's all up to mod discretion it seems, if one mod feels it needs to be moved they're going to move it... the only way it's going to get moved back is if another mod or admin decides to move it back.

Whatever, the best thing we can do is to keep the discussion going in this thread, the only difference it makes where it is is if it will show up on the homepage.... although moving it into the flame forum opens the door to more lively discussion right?

The easiest way for a mod to change the tone of a thread is to move it to the flame room right?

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The tone did change once it was moved here but I still don't understand why it was moved. It got ridiculous for a while but would not have it would have been left alone.

I am missing where it went to bashing.

I really don't think the mod that moved it read the whole thing. Not that I think it was going on but is cop bashing against the rules? There were enough level headed people involved in the discussion that it wouldn't have degraded without good counter points. Single post nonsense is usually ignored. If you say something stupid expect to be called out on it.

To move a discussion simply because you don't like it's content when no rules are being violated is petty and not needed. It sets the tone of the board to reflect a mods sensibility and leaves no room for other view points if this same standard is applied to all threads. How boring would it be if all of the board’s discussions were just about one person’s interests?

If I missed some rule breaking or bashing let me know I can deal with that. What do I know I'm just a post whore who likes conflict?

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  • 2 months later...


This is NOT me. Time for some more police discussion. I still don't see why this thread was moved.

That's pretty scary, especially when you consider, if someone cut you off and jumped out of a car with a gun... all before he identifies himself as a police officer.

It's these kinds of incidents that someone gets shot and killed and everyone would blame the motorcyclist. Good thing this is on video, hopefully that "cop" is charged with some crime, or at least fired.

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I always thought that police officers have a job to protect and serve, and not 24/7 life of being the good guy. What matters is that what they do when they are in uniform, because it is quite unfair to expect them to be model citizens every second. They are human and have their own faults. What is surprising is that these cops have a lower incidence of misconduct than the everyday civilian.

Edit: Sry didn't know this had become a rant and penis measuring contest. noob mistake

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