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To protect and serve?


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Clerical errors have little to do with police on the street. Her point is not rebuked by your point. I understand that situation would be extremely frustrating but the fault doesn't belong to the guy who puts you in cuffs.

Her views work for her but maybe not for all of us. I have never needed the police and have a hard time thinking of a reason I would ever need them. I sleep peacefully at night not because of them but because I am responsible for my own safety and feel I have that covered.

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Castle Rock v. Gonzales

On June 27, in the case of Castle Rock v. Gonzales, the Supreme Court found that Jessica Gonzales did not have a constitutional right to police protection, even in the presence of a restraining order.

By a vote of 7-to-2, the Supreme Court ruled that Gonzales has no right to sue her local police department for failing to protect her and her children from her estranged husband.

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Nothing new here I thought everyone knew we the people aren't entitled to protection from bad guys inside our country that originate from our country. National defense is a whole different issue.

Yep. I am solely responsible for my safety. Not you, the police or anybody else. I take pride in that actually.

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The plainclothes guy was performing his duties and had no expectation of privacy.

The plainclothes guy pulled a gun on someone for no apparent reason while expecting privacy.

The first scenario no harm no foul, not the best way to have handled it but the result was a ticket for the rider and no one was hurt.

The second scenario the plainclothes guy goes to jail along with the rider both for separate offenses. The plainclothes guy loses his badge.

I don't see how the police get to have the best of both worlds.

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Ohio police dog dies after being left in hot car

CINCINNATI — Cincinnati police say one of their dogs has died after an officer inadvertently left the animal in a hot car during a family medical emergency.

Police say 13-year veteran Brian Trotta found the dog named “Juno” dead after responding to the family matter Thursday. It wasn’t clear how long the dog was left alone. Cincinnati has been under a heat emergency this week with temperatures in the upper 90s.

Trotta has been placed on administrative leave pending a police investigation.

Very preliminary information... but lets play the "Jump to conclusions" game.

Aaannnnnd.... Go!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I don't see that as a big deal too bad the officers are being charged. I have seen abuse and will call it when I see it but this doesn't seem like it rises to that description. He took a few whacks for being stupid and is able to walk away from it. I didn't look into the story deeper but wouldn't expect his injuries to be long lasting.

The worst ass beating I ever took in my life was at the hands of the Cleveland Police Department at the old stadium, for far less than what this guy did and I was beat by more officers for a longer period of time. I was acting like a drunken idiot and needed to be put in my place. No one got into any trouble over it, they held me until I sobered up then sent me on my way bruised up, much more polite and I didn't consider trying to sue anyone over it.

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