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If anyone cares(band name finally)


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Well I'm excited, and just wanted to share. After a few hundred choices, many quotes from the Hangover, and other stupid or offensive suggestions, my band finally came up with a name. I feel legit now:p

The name is SHALLOWTAIL.

WTF right? Well, in our thought process, I was trying to think of something to tie us together, and thought about the Ohio flag(OR Tees put this in my head). The pennant shape of our unique flag is called a burgee. I suggested that, and got a resounding "meh" from the others, and the drummer suggested the other name for the pennant, which is swallowtail. Only he mispelled it(this was over email) shallowtail. We thought it was pretty damn cool. Random word, came about as a mistake, pretty much how a band should be named, so we went with it.

So there's a small snippet of my life, and an inside look at how bands function. :cool:

Let me know what you think. Shows should be coming in March. We're thinking Flanagans on Sawmill for the first, we know some people there. Hopefully OR can represent strong so we get asked back. We'll be recording some demos after New Years. I'll post details as soon as we know.

Hope everyone has a good holiday!

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Is that the story you really want to tell Rolling Stone some day?? ;)

Sure, why not? Or we could make some story up about some stuck-up bitch dicking us over. Whatever. If I ever make Rolling Stone, I won't really give a shit about a story about the band name anyway. :D

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cool name.. im in the same situation now lol.. i split from my last band,got some new guys together a few months ago..and we're have'n a helluva time figure'n out a name thats not already used or it sounds gay as hell after ya think about it for a few minutes lol.. heres a pic of my sonor set..

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..and we're have'n a helluva time figure'n out a name thats not already used ...

Tammy Tampax and the Wide Adhesive Strips

You can thank me later..........

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..and we're have'n a helluva time figure'n out a name thats not already used ...

Tammy Tampax and the Wide Adhesive Strips

You can thank me later..........

hmmmmm,that dont go with our music though..we do jewish bluegrass hahahahaha....

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