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Buckeye QB has partial ligament tear in knee

Terrelle Pryor suffered what was believed to be an ankle injury during Ohio State's win over New Mexico State on Oct. 31. The sophomore quarterback did not miss any games, but he has been hampered somewhat ever since.

Today, Pryor revealed that he was dealing with another injury suffered in the same game.

According to Pryor, he has a partially torn PCL in one of his knees. Pryor would not reveal which knee was injured.

"I have a little partial thing in the back of my leg, a little partial tear in the back of my leg, PCL," Pryor said according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer. "I was just fighting it and fighting it and trying to get better. But I can't really think about it. I've got to put every injury I have, I've got to put them at the back of my head."

Surgery may be necessary at some point after the Buckeyes' Rose Bowl game with Oregon, but Pryor did not want to discuss whether a procedure would be necessary.


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Up until last year we were the big game every year. I'll take going to the BCS Championship 3 out of 5 years... win or lose

We'll have top play a great game against the Ducks to win but that's the way it should be.

Buckeye Nation...#1 Wardie :)

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Well somethings gotta happen if pryor is out.

I like Herron, and Saine don't get me wrong. But they seem to be more open field runners. They don't deal well with traffic.

I haven't really looked at the Ducks defense. So I really can't make a comparison.

I think OSU's defense will have it's hand full.

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And the BUCKEYES win the rose bowl! Take that all you doubters! By the way everyone blames pryor for the team sucking lately, but honestly I blame the offensive coordinator and our terrible offensive line. If Pryor had more time in the pocket maybe he could choose his passes a little more carefully without worrying about being sacked every second.

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