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Its off to the body shop!


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Well the frame is ready to go to the body shop as well as the tank and fender. The frame is gonna get 6 degrees of rake added to the neck and I'm gonna do some crazy ass paint scheme that I ain't figured out yet. So soon the bike will be getting put back together. I am excited that I can finally start to see progress instead of a million parts laying in piles around the garage. I will update with pics as I progress. Its gonna be slow that's for sure. I guess I will just have to go through the salvage title inspection after the bike is built. I don't want a salvage title, but I guess it don' matter since the bike ain't gonna be for sale once completed. Wish me luck in this massive project.

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Well the frame is ready to go to the body shop as well as the tank and fender. The frame is gonna get 6 degrees of rake added to the neck and I'm gonna do some crazy ass paint scheme that I ain't figured out yet. So soon the bike will be getting put back together. I am excited that I can finally start to see progress instead of a million parts laying in piles around the garage. I will update with pics as I progress. Its gonna be slow that's for sure. I guess I will just have to go through the salvage title inspection after the bike is built. I don't want a salvage title, but I guess it don' matter since the bike ain't gonna be for sale once completed. Wish me luck in this massive project.
does this mean you gots a job homey??


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Nope this means I am bored out of My ever living mind and Pops realizes that I need something to do. Plus Im selling the Magna for 1500. so that covers the work and some parts. I am so excited to get this going. This among other projects like rewiring my parents entire house wire for wire next week. Yippee, ughh!

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Nope this means I am bored out of My ever living mind and Pops realizes that I need something to do. Plus Im selling the Magna for 1500. so that covers the work and some parts. I am so excited to get this going. This among other projects like rewiring my parents entire house wire for wire next week. Yippee, ughh!

what Magna??

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Rebuild Title/inspection isn't that big of a deal. Glad you're gettng it done.

Not a big deal at all. Make sure have have receipts or documentation for everything though! The inspection is making sure there are no stolen parts, so anything that should have a VIN tag on it had better have one (not sure there are many things on a bike that do though...)

Keep in mind when you call to make your inspection appointment it will be at least 30 days out.

Surprisingly enough, they've gotten better about that, and sometimes it's only a couple weeks. At any rate, call about a month before you're ready to see how they are at the location you'll be going to.

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I think in Franklin County its always 30 days from when you call. Like you said i could have changed.

They didnt even look at my receipts. i had a bunch. but i wouldnt want to be the guy to go in without them. Wheez i ope most of your stuff wasnt ebay bought. those rec eipts dont count.

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I think in Franklin County its always 30 days from when you call. Like you said i could have changed.

They didnt even look at my receipts. i had a bunch. but i wouldnt want to be the guy to go in without them. Wheez i ope most of your stuff wasnt ebay bought. those rec eipts dont count.

Why aren't you out at Moose's bash, anyway? :lol:

I guess they don't always look at the receipts, but if you walk in without them, and have replacement parts, they WILL take stuff that is in question! I heard of a guy that had to leave there with no doors because of no receipt, or VIN tag being painted over!

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