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Can anyone here look up lisence plate numbers in the DMV database?


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My roommate is a worthless bastard who is constantly late paying his bills and is completely irresponsible in general. But, his daddy is nice and rich and myself and my other roommate are trying to get in touch with his dad to try to get SOMEONE to pay up.

Does anyone have the ability to look up license plate numbers and info? The plates on his car are registered to his dad and we just need his last name (stepchildren, weird family structure, blah blah blah).

Jersey license plate #WZC17Z. If anyone can look this up, I love you long time.

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I did the work the radio at the police station before. It's really really illegal to do what you asked.


You can pay for background checks/plate numbers online, thats not illegal to do.

CORRECT again.

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You can pay for background checks/plate numbers online, thats not illegal to do.


Looks like $39. I found a site that checked out several, and many were actually the same thing with a different front end, which in turn sent to other sites. They said this one is the best. :dunno: It's an option anyway.

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Or you could do what I did to my one and only roommate...Find someone to sign the lease and then sign yourself off the lease without telling him :)

He gets home one day and there's someone new in his apt and all my stuff is gone.

HAHAHA awesome

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or you could nut up and and have a man to man to man conversation..

You mean like I just did not 5 minutes ago and at least once a month for the past 4 months? It's like talking to a brick wall. This stupid fuck can't be bothered to close and lock the goddamn back door (left it open THREE TIMES in one day a few weeks ago), let alone do really tough stuff like pay his bills and clean up after himself...

Does he have any tickets here?

If so do a court records search, should have registration information on the docket.

Funny you should ask, he just got a ticket a few weeks ago on his way home for Christmas break. I'm pretty sure that's the reason he's so broke. No sympathy though, he has a job and blows money on stupid shit all the time.

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i can look it up. It's not THAT illegal... lol

Make sure the info is right, "No Records Found."

PM me his VIN, make, model, year, name, social, dads name... something, anything. I'll tell ya where his grandma lives. :)

Edited by curby
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or here's an idea, change the locks and tell him he can't have his shit till he pays up, then after he pays up throw said shit into street...

Da Moose man don't fook around!!!!

Or maybe get the dude drunk or wait till he is passed out.. Then snag his cell and get the number if you want to involve his old man. No need for espionage :)

Roofies? Might make it more fun! :lol:

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