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BRAND NEW Shift track suits. $1200 at retail... SAVE BIG!


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Man that white and black would be SWEET! I'm just afraid of how dirty it would look after a few track days... Still thinking about it... 650 is a great price, but I'm strugglin to justify it... Sending my bike to Reuben next week to get about $600 worth of work done.. Need a new helmet as well... AHH I need cash!

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Man that white and black would be SWEET! I'm just afraid of how dirty it would look after a few track days... Still thinking about it... 650 is a great price, but I'm strugglin to justify it... Sending my bike to Reuben next week to get about $600 worth of work done.. Need a new helmet as well... AHH I need cash!

Had mine almost two seasons now and it is as clean as it was when I got it. Just cleaning it after each round/track day goes a LONG way...

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I got asked a question from another site trying to compare SHIFT vs. Spartan...

Well, after some thought, here's what I responded with and figured it was good to post here...

Here's the deal - I'm not going to bash another company. Go with what YOU feel is a good buy. I will say this, however... SHIFT has small things like an access panel that allows designers and QC people to validate the leather from the underside. SHIFT people can then stop production IMMEDIATLEY and visit the factory regularly to make changes if need be.

The idea is that while any suit and jacket CAN protect you in most crashes is something you can hope for. Or, you can KNOW that there are suits that are made with the utmost QC, the utmost concern about standards being met and being able to watch over the entire process is something that is worth some piece of mind.

Here's a suit that shows what protection it can offer worn by a pretty familiar name...


-Shobert was running about 6th fastest on July 3rd's Laguna Sec's event.

-600cc machine.

-FASTEST part of the track. Was at about 153mph.

-Hit oil from a blown motor.


Shobert's son wrote SHIFT a personal letter thanking them for the way the make the suit. He is an off the rack suit kid... He also apologized for ruining the suit!! :)

Here is a shot of the suit:


This is a real life scenario. Fast kid doing great things on a bike. Not a deal where a guy was riding a motard at a track, not riding with buddies and low sided at the Gap. It's a scenario where extreme feedback from extreme events garnish feedback to make products better...

ANY changes that come up or need to be made can be implemented within days. ANY issues that are shown via production can be changed and resolved within DAYS.

Food for thought...

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