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Its over, Johnny


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It's like typing to a brick wall.

The reason isn't necessarily more important, where did I say that? I said it's like having half a sentence... which half is more important, that depends on what information is contained in each half. Jeez.

Why'd she quit? Srsly? Because she couldn't handle the criticisms that come with the office of Alaskan Governor... and yet, she thought she could handle the VP role? Right. Basically: "Free speech is fine, until you start saying bad things about me, then I'll take my ball and go home crying"

Palin Quits as Alaska Governor


One factor she cited was the media and political attacks on her, and she suggested that her reason for quitting abruptly was to allow the state to move forward under Parnell without distraction

Not to mention her 'ethics inquiries'.... :roll:

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It's like typing to a brick wall.

The reason isn't necessarily more important, where did I say that? I said it's like having half a sentence... which half is more important, that depends on what information is contained in each half. Jeez.

Why'd she quit? Srsly? Because she couldn't handle the criticisms that come with the office of Alaskan Governor... and yet, she thought she could handle the VP role? Right. Basically: "Free speech is fine, until you start saying bad things about me, then I'll take my ball and go home crying"

Palin Quits as Alaska Governor


Not to mention her 'ethics inquiries'.... :roll:

So, rather than be a distraction to getting the business of Alaska done, she left. Sounds rather magnanimous to me.

How then is BHO fucking over the people of IL that elected him to be a senator to go to a "better job" with more "prestige" become ok?



Hah! So it wasn't a "fake" cover after all. Just an "embellished" one.

Good find!

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Come on, guys, cut Todd a little slack-- He does us all a great service, bringing us the latest trends from FreeRepublic, Stormfront, and all those chain e-mails, so we don't have to spend our whole day wondering what the putrid, boil-covered, unwashed sphincter of the American political spectrum smells like.

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It's like typing to a brick wall.....
No..Its not like typing to a brick wall...He's just a fucking idiot.

Plain and SImple.

He has always been arumentative and never will agree with anything but his own views.

If only changing a name changed the person....If only.

Carry on.

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Come on, guys, cut Todd a little slack-- He does us all a great service, bringing us the latest trends from FreeRepublic, Stormfront, and all those chain e-mails, so we don't have to spend our whole day wondering what the putrid, boil-covered, unwashed sphincter of the American political spectrum smells like.

Thanks for your opinion.

Can you guess how much your thoughts mean to me?

No..Its not like typing to a brick wall...He's just a fucking idiot.

Plain and SImple.

He has always been arumentative and never will agree with anything but his own views.

If only changing a name changed the person....If only.

Carry on.

Since you can't refute anything that's said, you resort to personal attacks.

Come back when you've grown up a bit.

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Yup, plenty of nerve here. Someday, when you grow up, you might have some too.

I never figured I needed your permission, but thanks just the same.

Dude..seriously..is that all you ever say?

"When you grow up"

....you act like we are all a bunch of whining little kids here.

It seems to me that you are the guy who cant agree with anyone.

For you to call me a Child after I made a simple statement after yor long running ranting in this ridiculous thread tells me that you have no sense of reality what so ever.

I think you need to take a step back and look in the mirror before you try to call us the children.

Seriously man....:moo:

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For you to call me a Child after I made a simple statement after yor long running ranting in this ridiculous thread tells me that you have no sense of reality what so ever.

I think you need to take a step back and look in the mirror before you try to call us the children.

Seriously man....:moo:

Ummmm..... I believe you're the one who referred to Todd as a "Fucking Idiot" a few posts back

And now you're taking offense at him calling you a "child" in response??? headscratch.gif

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Dude..seriously..is that all you ever say?

"When you grow up"

....you act like we are all a bunch of whining little kids here.

It seems to me that you are the guy who cant agree with anyone.

For you to call me a Child after I made a simple statement after yor long running ranting in this ridiculous thread tells me that you have no sense of reality what so ever.

I think you need to take a step back and look in the mirror before you try to call us the children.

Seriously man....:moo:

Lets take that step back and look at this thread.

I posted a photo, and made a tongue-in-cheek comment about it.

YOU came in offered nothing of substance, or anything even related to the topic at hand and called me a fucking idiot.

Seems to me that you were the one acting like a child, and has lost touch reality.

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Ummmm..... I believe you're the one who referred to Todd as a "Fucking Idiot" a few posts back

And now you're taking offense at him calling you a "child" in response??? headscratch.gif

Agh...you arer correect on the comment I did make.

But I did so after reading his ridiculous remarks through out this entire thread in which he could not agree, nor even attempt to see anything from any view but his own.

He has always been a Hard-Headed and arrogant Individual and he is one of the only guys on here that I think even in person...I wouldn't like.

Now, although my comment may have been a Bit brash, I think it pretty much summed it right up. No need beating around the bush and acting "Holier than though" which is what he is doing when he tries to talk down upon us like we are children.

I for one have no problem with people conversing, having differences of opinions, or even flat out not seeing eye to eye, but at some point, most people can look at a situation from more than one view other than their own.

But this guy just only sees things his way...no matter this situation. no matter the person.

SO for him to try to belittle us and call us children for trying to explain something....makes it look to me (and I am sure others) that he thinks he is a level above the rest of us. I know people like this guy....they have many names....I merely used one.

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Agh...you arer correect on the comment I did make.

But I did so after reading his ridiculous remarks through out this entire thread in which he could not agree, nor even attempt to see anything from any view but his own.

So, to be a "good guy" in your book, I have to compromise my ideals or my point of view and agree with someone else? Sorry, not gonna happen. I've been known to change my mind on things, but only when someone can bring a convincing and thoughtful argument to the table.

He has always been a Hard-Headed and arrogant Individual and he is one of the only guys on here that I think even in person...I wouldn't like.

I'm probably the least arrogant person I know. Hard headed, sure. I'm really shooting to be the ONLY guy here you don't like.

Now, although my comment may have been a Bit brash, I think it pretty much summed it right up. No need beating around the bush and acting "Holier than though" which is what he is doing when he tries to talk down upon us like we are children.

I for one have no problem with people conversing, having differences of opinions, or even flat out not seeing eye to eye, but at some point, most people can look at a situation from more than one view other than their own.

But this guy just only sees things his way...no matter this situation. no matter the person.

SO for him to try to belittle us and call us children for trying to explain something....makes it look to me (and I am sure others) that he thinks he is a level above the rest of us. I know people like this guy....they have many names....I merely used one.

If you had posed a thoughtful argument regarding the picture, I probably wouldn't have called you a child. Anyone that resorts to petty name calling in an attempt to prove his "point" is acting like a child, and deserves to be called one. In fact, blathering on about it because you got your feelings hurt continues to prove the point.

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