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PING - wardie


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Pulled from the H.org. Just a fair warning, this would not end well for you. You're more than welcome to attend, but dont think that you are going to "crash" it

Let's post up see whos going and on what day. I've seen where the Ohio Riders forum is doing karokee maybe we could crash that and have some funquestion.gif or maybe a get together for dinner on Saturday night. I dunno what do you think?

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I'm also curious about these cheap steaks....

Anyways...anyone showing up to crash the party in a malicious way will have a rude awakening...I'm sure. Maybe he was just throwing it out there in a innocent way. I guess I'll have to assume he was unless he shows otherwise. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Unless your name is Kevin.

wait for it....

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  InyaAzz said:
I'm also curious about these cheap steaks....

Anyways...anyone showing up to crash the party in a malicious way will have a rude awakening...I'm sure. Maybe he was just throwing it out there in a innocent way. I guess I'll have to assume he was unless he shows otherwise. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Unless your name is Kevin.

wait for it....

I'm guilty of always thinking the worse of people until they prove otherwise.

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  Howabusa said:
Sam, Where is this happening? As for Bogus, I knew he was a dick the first time I met him. I let him share my room at the first Busa Bash I went to, he ask me to smoke outside...It was my f%#king room!

I would freek out if someone asked me to smoke outside my own hotel room! Speaking of hotel where yall staying at? I will have my baby girl and my GF with me,so if i stay sat night i may be able to get out a little.

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