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Scott Brown


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It'd be nice to see a Rep. in the Massachusetts office.

Brown would provide the critical 41st vote in the Senate to break the Democrat's filibuster-proof majority and stop the unprecedented assault on our personal liberties that is now taking place in Congress.

Scott Brown has pledged to vote against the government takeover of our health care system and is also opposed to cap-and-trade.



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Tomorrow we will know..


A new poll out of Public Policy Polling on Monday underscored the depth of Coakley's challenge.

The poll showed Brown leading 51-46 overall, 64-32 among independents and winning 20 percent of the vote from those who backed Obama in 2008. On the flip side, the survey showed Coakley pulling just 4 percent of the vote from those who backed John McCain, in the 2008 presidential race.

It doesn't help Coakley that, according to polls, Massachusetts voters are widely opposed to the Democrats' national health care plan -- in a state that has a universal health care plan of its own.

The Public Policy Polling survey showed 48 percent oppose the plan, while 40 percent support it. The poll of 1,231 likely voters was taken from Jan. 16-17. It had a margin of error of 2.8 percent.

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A friend on facebook just posted thanking the lord and how is so giving... holy shiy I can't believe how dumb people are...

Yes, G-d's choice to stop providing healthcare is to have the citizens of MA elect a former nude centerfold... maybe G-d wanted healthcare and Brown is the anti-christ.

lol seriously people, get a grip on your shit.

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Meh, that was more of a loss for Coakley than a win for Brown. Both are bad candidates, but Coakley was by far the worst of the two.

I'm not following the logic here.

It seems obvious to me the the people of MA voted FOR Brown in large part due to his promise to take a stand against the Health Care Control legislation currently being considered.

I'd call it a loss for the failed progressive agenda that BHO is trying to advance more than a loss for Coakley.

It is what it is Matt, roll with it. The Senate will now have to slow it's role, again, and let obstructionism reign supreme.

The people have spoken.

Apparently, the people (at least in Massachusetts) DON'T want the agenda that's being advanced by BHO and the rest of the progressives. How is that "obstructionism".

I guess though Kennedy finally got what he deserved. How fitting is it that the Republican that took his former seat is going to derail "his" health care control bill??

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Praise the Lord!!!!!!

Common sense has finally prevailed. There maybe hope for our country yet! I just pray that the socialist wannabe's havn't taken us too for down that road. If we can just continue the trend, maybe we can wash out the anti-democracy/capitalist from every other seat they hold.

I would love to seea complete change out that would eventually reduce our governments size and spending to a tenth of what it is now.

Todd you're being too kind calling them "progressives". I hate that word simply because they made it up. Calling themselves "socialists" doesn't fly well in this country....... its a lame attempt to fool people into thinking they are something they're not.

Go Scott Brown!!!!

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They said that they are not going to swear him in until after they vote.

Really? Who are "they"


From the article

"The people of Massachusetts have spoken. We welcome Scott Brown to the Senate and will move to seat him as soon as the proper paperwork has been received," said Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin said he would notify the Senate on Wednesday that Brown had been elected


Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., said that it would "only be fair and prudent" to suspend votes on the on the health care bill until Brown is seated.

Still getting your news from Comedy Central, or did that little tidbit come from The Onion?

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I'm not following the logic here.

It seems obvious to me the the people of MA voted FOR Brown in large part due to his promise to take a stand against the Health Care Control legislation currently being considered.

I'd call it a loss for the failed progressive agenda that BHO is trying to advance more than a loss for Coakley.

I don't know health care is the reason they did. Massachusetts has health care similar to the bill being worked currently. I think it more likely they are unhappy with the economy and think the HCB is the wrong thing to be concentrating on right now. We might also be in a period of politics where we see a pendulum affect until the economy improves a bit.

Having said that we do know that Coakley mailed it in and hardly campaigned at all for the seat while Brown worked his ass off getting his message out to the people. Brown definitely got out there and did a much better job than Coakley for a seat that I think was more of a toss up given issues like the economy than people thought.

In the end I said both were bad candidates and Coakley was the worse choice of the two. I don't think either was deserving of the seat.

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I don't know health care is the reason they did. Massachusetts has health care similar to the bill being worked currently.

Actually, I saw a lot of reports where people from that state were upset about the proposed national health care because it is much worse and much more expensive than what they already have.... So like anyone ....... they didnt want to trade something better and cheaper for something worse and more expensive, especially when it was negotiated behind closed doors, and votes were actually bought with bribes.........

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Oh man, thank the good lord Scott Brown was elected. Lord in your infinite wisdom you have rained down mana from the heavens by having people come to their senses and vote for Scott Brown.

Lord you are truly the source of all that is good in this country! We, the true americans, are living through Job's struggle and we see that your allowing Barack HUSSEIN Obama to be elected is a trial we must endure so that our faith is even stronger!



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Actually, I saw a lot of reports where people from that state were upset about the proposed national health care because it is much worse and much more expensive than what they already have.... So like anyone ....... they didnt want to trade something better and cheaper for something worse and more expensive, especially when it was negotiated behind closed doors, and votes were actually bought with bribes.........

I saw a few like this, but saw more people unhappy with the economy. Anecdotal I know, but this includes my wifes family who all live in Massachusetts.

Beyond pondering why anyone would want to live in Mass to begin with, I wondered about the health care concerns. I haven't seen anything pointed out in any current bill that would necessarily affect the people of Massachusetts and their current coverage. If you have a source for that I'd love to see it.

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Really? Who are "they"


From the article

"The people of Massachusetts have spoken. We welcome Scott Brown to the Senate and will move to seat him as soon as the proper paperwork has been received," said Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin said he would notify the Senate on Wednesday that Brown had been elected


Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., said that it would "only be fair and prudent" to suspend votes on the on the health care bill until Brown is seated.

Still getting your news from Comedy Central, or did that little tidbit come from The Onion?

Nancy Pelosi has stated that even if he wins, they will still pass the health care bill. I can't remember who exactly said it, but I know that they said they were going to try to delay him taking his seat in order to pass the bill. I hope it was all made up. We shall see how things turn out...

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He was elected due to his staunch opposition to ObamaCare. While I'm not sure I'm 100% opposed to NHC' date=' I'm 100% certain I'm opposed to BOTH the House and Senate bills. They need to slow their roll and get this shit right. Blindly pushing NHC through is a terrible thing for everyone. I'm glad he's been elected. Besides, the more bickering that goes on in Washington the less those assholes can fuck shit up for the rest of us.[/quote']

amen.....thank you

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