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Weird morning


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I pulled out of my driveway late this morning, and was driving down the street when i noticed there was something that looked a LOT like a person laying on the side of the road.

Sure as shit, the car right in front of me puts their hazards on, and slows down and stops. An older man gets out and starts talking to the high school aged girl that's collapsed on the snow, and I put my window down and ask if everything is ok. I thought maybe the girl was a drugged out and ran away from her parents or something and they were talking it out. Well, she looked pretty much unconscious, and the guy looked pretty freaked out. He said he might need some help, so I pull over and get out.

He asks if he should call the cops (he had his phone out and was ready to start dialing) and I said yes.

The older guy's wife comes out and starts talking to the girl, and the girl just moans and says random nonsense (like, not even complete words). We weren't sure how long she was laying in the snow like that, so i put my fleece lined vest on her, and then tell them i'm running down the street to get some blankets.

By the time I get back, and get the blankets on her, a couple more people had stopped, and apparently one guy was saying something like "yeah, I saw her there before... she was with a couple other kids, and then she fell on the road and the other kids took off. I thought they were just playing some games!" I'm thinking, what the fuck kind of game do you play where one person collapses and remains that way for who knows how long. Apparently, he saw this and didn't even check on her or call anyone. Fucking moron.

The ambulance, fire truck, and shortly thereafter, the police get there. The emt's get her secured on a gurney and into the ambulance cause she was probably fucking frozen. The officer and fire fighter and EMT talk to each other after talking to some of us. The officer goes to question the guy at the house next to where the girl collapsed.

Just from what I saw, she looked like she either: was drunk out of her fucking mind, or was on some high quality drugs or some kind (i'm hoping it wasn't a roofie and that the "kids" she was with hadn't done anything to her), or had just suffered a seizure and was now highly delirious and incapacitated, or had very low blood sugar. or i'm completely wrong, and it's something else. It's all bad, and I hope she is ok.

I've lived on that street since 1993 with the exception of 2000~2004 when I lived in Columbus, and that's the first time anything like that has happened. Kinda shook me up.

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was she hot? did you get her number?

lol should i have wrote my number down on a piece of paper and been like "I like totally saved your life lol call me when you're ready to return the favor"

no, i'm not sure what's going on with her. i'm hoping it's some trifling thing like she just got drunk and her "friends" just ditched her and nothing more serious. i remember the first time i got REALLY drunk (box wine out of big gatorade bottles at my friend's house lawl). i was pretty fucking incoherent and couldn't do much other than stumble and mumble. i do distinctly remember trying to heat up frozen egg rolls in the microwave, failing, and just saying fuck it and eating it anyway. oh and then there was the frozen steaks we "cooked" by leaving it in the microwave for like 10 minutes. ah... proud moments.

if it turns out to be something more serious, i'm sure the police will get in touch with me. if not, i'll stick my nose into somewhere it belongs.

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