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Happy birthday PrincessPratt


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LoL. Thank Chris. And Todd...shame on you! Well actually I do have to give him the man of the year award for putting up with my crazy ways! I've been divorced for 5 years now Brian and have gone through my fair share of complete losers. :) Now I have the man that is perfect for me and we're gettin hitched May 29th. Yay!

And Todd make sure you tell Kim thanks again for letting me use all her mason jars for the wedding. She says she has like 55 of them for me to use. :)

congrats to you condolences to him :D

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Yes, she told me that..... now what am I gonna put the Jack an Tea in at the next bonfire?? :)

I'm giving the mason jars back. LoL. :p She can have them back on the 30th if she wants. ;) It's so nice to have friends that are willing to chip in. My bestest bud Jana called me last night and told me her friend was able to get all my linens for free as well. :) That's saving us $160. Everything has fallen into place so nicely.

Happy Late Birthday. And sometimes out of a failed marriage comes the best of gifts... Congratulations to you all as well!

You are so right. It took me a long time to fix ME after my divorce. It takes two people to make a relationship fail and although I wasn't the one to make the decision to leave I helped in pushing him out the door so to speak. Ray is the most wonderful man that has ever come into my life. My ex treated me so poorly that it makes me so grateful for this new man and I've surely learned to take NOTHING for granted. ;)

A pricey divorce and a house your ex pays for ?? Or did you have somthing else in mind

Ummm ya.....I was stuck with close to 25K of debt from a marriage that lasted less than a year. He went back to living with his mom and dad at age 27 while I got stuck with the debt, paid for grad school, and worked full time to pay off his 2 motorcycles that I got stuck paying for. But we live and we learn. Some learning experiences are just more costly than others. :)

Actually having a new person involved that, get this...., is nice to be around! I myself paid dearly for a divorce, as I'm sure many others have- but at the end of the day- it was a good trade off. :p

Yes I'd rather have paid for all his crap that to have that type of person in my life right now. I truly believe that man's rejection is God's protection. I'd probably have AIDS right now had I stayed in that marriage from all the infidelity.

congrats to you condolences to him :D

Suck it Brian! I kid, I kid. And to think I was complimenting your hair and I get all this. Geesh. :)

Damn.... That happened fast :eek:

Happy bDay Sara.... Hope you had a GREAT one!


Hey when I see something I like I got after it. Motivation always pays off in the end. :D:p;)

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Ummm ya.....I was stuck with close to 25K of debt from a marriage that lasted less than a year. He went back to living with his mom and dad at age 27 while I got stuck with the debt, paid for grad school, and worked full time to pay off his 2 motorcycles that I got stuck paying for. But we live and we learn. Some learning experiences are just more costly than others. :)

Wanna get married to me real quick before Ray, I got some bills I'd like to unload on ya.

And I'm commin into town today want me to bring the jars with ?

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