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Haiti charges U.S. church members with kidnapping

RC51 John

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Haiti charges U.S. church members with kidnapping

Vote and discuss: Should the missionaries face trial?

I really hope this group gets some Haitian jail time. I know, I know they were just trying to help the children. I'm sure they were thinking those poor people would not, could not survive with out us. The god fearing moral majority need to understand they cannot do what ever they want when ever they want.

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See this is the major issue ;) Lots of these "organizations" you donate to are nothing more than religious missionaries.

There have been reports that money and food was withheld from certain areas because they were predominately believers in Voodoo.

Explain to me again how it's good religious practice to deny help because people don't believe what they believe?

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Haiti charges U.S. church members with kidnapping

Vote and discuss: Should the missionaries face trial?

I really hope this group gets some Haitian jail time. I know, I know they were just trying to help the children. I'm sure they were thinking those poor people would not, could not survive with out us. The god fearing moral majority need to understand they cannot do what ever they want when ever they want.


You can't just take children across the border to another country.

Unless there's a weird man in an ice cream truck waiting. Then it's ok.

Seriously though...they were idiots to even think of doing that.

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I hope they get cained and locked up for a couple of years. Did anybody catch the video as they were being transported to the courthouse? These people are religious nuts with no concept of reality.

God hates faggots

*Just making mention of the nuts, not saying my beliefs*

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I hadn't read much about these folks..the headlines were enough for me. Didn't see the video..but read a description. I've also read the excuses from the group/lawyer.

The one lady lied about their parents being alive (most of them)...and their whole defense is that the folks on the Dominican side were expecting them?? Really? That's like me saying it's OK I robbed that liquor store last night...they're expecting a black guy with a gun to do that every so often.

I don't know if their cult like vibes are creeping me out more, or if it's the fact that I wonder where those kids were really going to end up?

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