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Viffer Valve check


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Well with 38k on the clock and not knowing the maintenance on the VFR I started some more work on the VFR today..

i was gonna have isaacs pappa do the work, but i really wanted learn this for future reference, i know i can do it, i just didnt feel like it lol.. but i went ahead and coaxed myself into doing it.

checking/adjusting the valves.

its a pretty big Pain to do.. not all that tuff, jsut very very time consuming :mad:

i have done valves on quads and dirtbikes, but not on a motorcycle yet... soooo why not start off with a hard one first!

got all the valve clearances recorded, now i just have to order some shims for the non vtec valves, and lifter buckets for the Vtec side

i took pictures for reference and some just for fun, so i figure ill throw them up here. See her all torn apart.

i has sad face :(




goodbye 38k plugs, youve served it well


rear cylinder head, cams about ready to come out


front cylinder head, checking sure my marks are lined up


getting ready to take the cam bridge off


everything out of the front cylinder head except the valve buckets


laying some parts out, front cylinder head cams, buckets, springs, etc


moar parts


my buddy, not helping so much


how she sits until parts arrive


Edited by Hoblick
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i would do a valve check, but the only thing holding me back is making sure i get the cams back in the right location.

i've taken the valve cover off and the cam cover and got as far as removing the cams but always stopped and turned around. i never can really understand what they mean in the manual about how to get it lined up correctly.

the sad part is ill redo my transmission any offseason but valves scare the shit out of me for some reason.

Edited by natedogg624
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I'm intimidated by transmissions. All them gears and stuff.

I did a valve check on the RC. After I got her back together and started it. There was a lot of noise from the from piston. Took the cover off and noticed i was one tooth off on the exhaust cam. Even with work lights it's not always easy to see the alignment marks. Not sure I'd go any further into the motor though.

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Valve check doesn't require the removal of the cams. (unless you've got a Vtec Honda... UGH!!) You only need to do that if they need adjusted. Don't be skeered.. triple check everything and turn the engine over by hand a few times once your finished. Get the factory Yamahahaha manual' date=' though. None of that Chiltons/Haynes bullshit.[/quote']

:plus1: on the factory manual. I've found the Clymer's to be....vague... on some things, on the verge of downright wrong.

I've been through the bottom end of my VF500, changed the crank, and had to re-time the cams then, now I have the front head off to swap out a valve. There's not anything I can say that I'm afraid to do to an engine! Then again, I do this stuff on bigger engines (cars, light trucks) for a living.

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it is intimidating, but i wanted to know how to do it, and now i know how.

and yeah most bikes, the valves arent that bad to check.

with the VFR 02-09, you have to pull the cams and place slide pin stoppers in the vtec side in order to check the vtec valves.

if it wasnt for that you would only have to to pull the cams once hell and thats if they even needed needed adjusted.

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thats great that you dug into her! When I looked at buying a viffer, the salesman at the dealer told me that a valve check on one costs in the 1200 dollar range! I don't know if thats true or he was just talking but eaither way. Looks good man!

thats about right on the price.. but that would be worse case scenario... meaning a few had to be adjusted. if just checking the valves with no adjusting its like $650 - $750

Isaacs Pappa gave me a really good price quote about half those prices, but i decided to just do it myself for the experience.

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i learned a long time ago that it will almost always cost more in the end for me to do my own work cause i always fcuk something up and just half-assedly patch it up just so i can finish. then after a bit, the patch work comes apart and then i have to pay a pro to do the work right.

so nowadays, i just run crying to pauly anytime anything is amiss. shit, if this keeps up, i'll be calling him if it takes a bit longer than usual to move my bowels.

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:lol: Ain't no thang' date=' man. Glad to see people wrenching their own rides. I've got enough work to keep my busy.. and fed. So long as Jinu doesn't start taking initiative. If that happens, I'll prolly starve to death. :eek:[/quote']

When I start hating that people take the initiative to DIY it is when they start bringing stuff in half apart. I HATE putting together someone's mess! Especially when it's something that I don't normally work on.

Bring me a pile of small-block Chevy parts, and I'll have it running in no time. Bring me a pile of parts from a few different models of transmissions, and I'm good, too. A pile of Ducati parts, and I'd be like :wtf:! I got my Interceptor in pieces, and I eventually got it running, but it was a major pain!

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dang you guys got me checking the weather and me itching to check my valves this week.

ill be starting tomorrow... i just need to invest in some good gauge feelers. any idea where to get them? im guessing advanced/oreilly's/autozone/etc...

I need to get me a set of angled feeler gauges, to make it easier to get in to the valves. Ugh, I almost had the Snap-on guy paid off, too! :lol: I do have a set of straight ones though, I'll have to check if they'll get in there well enough.

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