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American Chopper Cancelled


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Thread revival.

So, the show's back on the air. Has anybody watched it? I'm sad to say I have watched a little bit of it. Nothing new, other than less focus on bike building, and more on the Jr. vs. Sr. battle. :nono:

On a side note, I just watched one of the few unique, interesting builds that they've aired, the Lugz boot bike. Leather covered tank, the brass badges, etc. The letdown was that they should have used a springer front end for it to look "right" IMHO.

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I wish I could have them build me a custom. It'd be pimpin!

If I had that kind of money, maybe. But none of them look practical to ride more than a short distance at a time. Practicallity factor is on the bottom with their choppers, and I have to get at least a little practicallity out of a vehicle.

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True, but don't forget Jon & Kate, or Hulk Hogan. Two other families that would have been better off without cameras recording every moment.

I like some of their bikes, and they did push some boundaries design-wise, but then everyone tried to copy them. And now the chopper style is played out and full of garbage. That's a shame, because they really can be gorgeous bikes.

The love of money is the root of all evil, and pride comes before the fall. Too bad more of the wrong people don't mix those two in strong enough doses.

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If I had that kind of money, maybe. But none of them look practical to ride more than a short distance at a time. Practicallity factor is on the bottom with their choppers, and I have to get at least a little practicallity out of a vehicle.

Oh if I had the money it would be a bike I'd cruise around on for some "chill" time until it got uncomfy. Most likely an expensive town bike when I'm not riding my sportbike. I HATE riding a sportbike in the city. A laid back seating position is nice in town.

True, but don't forget Jon & Kate, or Hulk Hogan. Two other families that would have been better off without cameras recording every moment.

I like some of their bikes, and they did push some boundaries design-wise, but then everyone tried to copy them. And now the chopper style is played out and full of garbage. That's a shame, because they really can be gorgeous bikes.

The love of money is the root of all evil, and pride comes before the fall. Too bad more of the wrong people don't mix those two in strong enough doses.

You are a wise man. :cheers:

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