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Denny's Grand Slam breakfast....


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Opportunity cost...


I maintained, since the first giveaway, that you had to be mentally retarded to go apeshit over this... stand in line for a fucking free $6 breakfast? Jesus people are stupid...

I did the math given the above and I came out >200... but I didn't need that graph to tell me not to go.

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I saw that on Digg a few hours ago, but Websense is blocking that under "Social Media and Blogs" :angry face:

I'll have to wait to get home to see it.

Websense... I hate HATE HATE that company....

S = ((H+1)/5.99)*P*D

In which S equals one's Grand Slam "opportunity cost"

H equals one's hourly wage

P equals the Patience factor, and

D equals the Dignity Constant

The Patience factor varies from person to person, but let's say that an extremely impatient person would rate at eight and the Dalai Lama might rate at two.

Meanwhile the Dignity Constant tends to hover at around 6.5 in the present economic atmosphere.

S values between 1 and around 40 mean you're probably doing fine to wait for the extremely mediocre free food. Anything more than that, however, and you might begin wondering just how badly you want the goddamn eggs, pancakes, sausages, and the squirts.

Edited by Likwid
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