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90 Days same as cash Tax Season SPECIAL!


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So everyone knows how bad it sucks to find something you have been looking for or needed for a while and still your waiting on a tax refund or just need another month or two to get the rest of the money, and then it gets sold out from under you. Well not to worry. We have a 90 days same as cash plan that will keep that from happening. Till the end of March any bike can be put on hold with as little as 25% down, and then you would have 90 days to pay it off. The bike would stay at the shop until it is paid off, but would be yours! Our parts department is doing the same for any order over $500, same terms. In service we are offering free pickup and delivery in the city limits of Delaware. If you are in a surrounding county, don't worry we have something for you as well. If your service bill reaches $100 we will either pick up or deliver the bike for you and if it reaches $400 we will pick up and deliver! If anyone has a questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call!

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