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Double Standards


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How is it that Jesse always gets in the middle of all of this shit. he started talking shit about O.J. too. (Though i did agree with him) It just seems like he has to put his $.02 in on every "black/white" thing going on in this nation.

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  shittygsxr said:
people like jesse jackson and al sharpton are the reason racism exists.

Could not be any further from reality! Racist people are the reason racism exists. They don't help matters it seems like in most of the most recent cases, but racism is alive and well, whether they were advocates or not.

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  Putty said:
Could not be any further from reality! Racist people are the reason racism exists. They don't help matters it seems like in most of the most recent cases, but racism is alive and well, whether they were advocates or not.

I agree with you putty, but, it doesn't help when you have these two guys on t.v. for every issue pushing that it is a black/white thing. no matter what the issue is, they seem to find the reason for it beeing that way.

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  Putty said:
Could not be any further from reality! Racist people are the reason racism exists. They don't help matters it seems like in most of the most recent cases, but racism is alive and well, whether they were advocates or not.


I do however get along just fine with the "Pigment Challenged" individuals... HAHAHAHAHAH:D

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  Putty said:
Could not be any further from reality! Racist people are the reason racism exists. They don't help matters it seems like in most of the most recent cases, but racism is alive and well, whether they were advocates or not.

There are alot of people at that stage where they could be racist or not, you know all of the young minds out there and when they see everything turned into a white black thing it is gonna influence them.

So everytime I get into a fight with a white guy is it because I am a racist that hates white people?

You know sometimes people do things because they are dicks and as we all know there are many different colors of dicks.

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  Putty said:
Could not be any further from reality! Racist people are the reason racism exists. They don't help matters it seems like in most of the most recent cases, but racism is alive and well, whether they were advocates or not.

Ha! They themselves ARE racists! They don't want equal rights for blacks. They promote extra rights. If a white person on national television or radio said Bush or Clinton were "acting like blacks" or anything even close they'd be in deep shit, probably fired. I'm all for equal rights. But Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are prejudice fucktards. They aren't the reason racism exists, but they definitely without doubt fuel the fire.

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  Cleaner said:
I didn't know you were into heavy set black men... (Note to self, "continue to workout and do 1,000 crunches tonight")


Lol, Is that a proposition Mr. Cleaner?

So much for the good old days when a brotha got dinner and a movie beforehand..... :)

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  Satan said:
Ha! They themselves ARE racists! They don't want equal rights for blacks. They promote extra rights. If a white person on national television or radio said Bush or Clinton were "acting like blacks" or anything even close they'd be in deep shit, probably fired. I'm all for equal rights. But Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are prejudice fucktards. They aren't the reason racism exists, but they definitely without doubt fuel the fire.

AGREE 100%... If there werent any racism they wouldnt have anything to do.

P.S. Clinton was the first black president as we all know and maybe when a black man runs for the white house and has a chance in hell of winning then maybe he is acting white. Just a thought. Maybe Good ol' Al is just pissed cause he wanted to be the first actually black president!:cool:

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They are opportunists. Plain and simple.They just exploit situations that get the race card lit on fire. I see no problem with that. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Jesse has a serious pedigree on civil rights. Al is a bit of a rabble rouser, but effective in pointing out that the tables are tilted.

What I find unfortunate is that the criminals who committed the CRIMES of beatings and the noose stunts are being overshadowed by blatant sensationalism.


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