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This pissing anyone else off?


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well you know what!!! I am a Martian, and Im sick and tired of all the Earthling on Martian hate crimes im seeing as of late....YOU ppl need to stop it or else WE will kick your ass!!!

Martian's always lose. Remember Marvin? Yeah bitch, we have Bugs Bunny.

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I have read all of the posts on this thread and I find it interesting that even though lots of you want these defendants to spend time in jail, you've forgotten to mention one important point. Three months prior to the beating a noose was hung from a tree on the campus of that school (although some say it was unrelated to the beating). The noose was hung from the tree because some black students wanted to sit under the tree that was considered a "white" hangout spot.

With attempted murder, you must have the intent to kill. Here, I do not believe any trier of fact could find that any of these youths possessed that intent. Intent to fuck up a kid... yes. Intent to send a message... yes. Intent to end a life... I don't think so.

Also, you don't need a court date to dismiss a murder charge. If the murder charge is baseless the prosecutor should dismiss the charge immediately. The fact that the others are still charged with murder is bogus.

You all may hate Jackson and Sharpton, but even though they have made some silly off handed comments in the media and said some stupid racist things, they have also done lots of good things for black people as well as other people in this country.

Additionally, whether you agree with them or not, they are standing up for people who do not have the social or political pull to stand up for themselves.

Now if 6 skaters were being picked on by jocks for years and years and then those 6 skaters decided to stomp the team quarterback I think 99 percent of you here would probably praise those actions. Saying that the quarterback got what he deserved. If that is the case, then why are so quick to send these 6 youths to prison?

If you think these youths should go to prison regardless, then that's a different story. If so then you are also stating that any highschool fight where someone gets "jumped" needs to go to adult prison. Do you really wanna accept such a policy? Every high school fight where its not one on one should go to prison. Despite the taunting that may have happened in the past, despite this being the youths first offense, you are advocating jail time. And if you believe that, then you're off in your own reality.

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I have read all of the posts on this thread and I find it interesting that even though lots of you want these defendants to spend time in jail, you've forgotten to mention one important point. Three months prior to the beating a noose was hung from a tree on the campus of that school (although some say it was unrelated to the beating). The noose was hung from the tree because some black students wanted to sit under the tree that was considered a "white" hangout spot.

With attempted murder, you must have the intent to kill. Here, I do not believe any trier of fact could find that any of these youths possessed that intent. Intent to fuck up a kid... yes. Intent to send a message... yes. Intent to end a life... I don't think so.

Also, you don't need a court date to dismiss a murder charge. If the murder charge is baseless the prosecutor should dismiss the charge immediately. The fact that the others are still charged with murder is bogus.

You all may hate Jackson and Sharpton, but even though they have made some silly off handed comments in the media and said some stupid racist things, they have also done lots of good things for black people as well as other people in this country.

Additionally, whether you agree with them or not, they are standing up for people who do not have the social or political pull to stand up for themselves.

Now if 6 skaters were being picked on by jocks for years and years and then those 6 skaters decided to stomp the team quarterback I think 99 percent of you here would probably praise those actions. Saying that the quarterback got what he deserved. If that is the case, then why are so quick to send these 6 youths to prison?

If you think these youths should go to prison regardless, then that's a different story. If so then you are also stating that any highschool fight where someone gets "jumped" needs to go to adult prison. Do you really wanna accept such a policy? Every high school fight where its not one on one should go to prison. Despite the taunting that may have happened in the past, despite this being the youths first offense, you are advocating jail time. And if you believe that, then you're off in your own reality.


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I have read all of the posts on this thread and I find it interesting that even though lots of you want these defendants to spend time in jail, you've forgotten to mention one important point. Three months prior to the beating a noose was hung from a tree on the campus of that school (although some say it was unrelated to the beating). The noose was hung from the tree because some black students wanted to sit under the tree that was considered a "white" hangout spot.

With attempted murder, you must have the intent to kill. Here, I do not believe any trier of fact could find that any of these youths possessed that intent. Intent to fuck up a kid... yes. Intent to send a message... yes. Intent to end a life... I don't think so.

Also, you don't need a court date to dismiss a murder charge. If the murder charge is baseless the prosecutor should dismiss the charge immediately. The fact that the others are still charged with murder is bogus.

You all may hate Jackson and Sharpton, but even though they have made some silly off handed comments in the media and said some stupid racist things, they have also done lots of good things for black people as well as other people in this country.

Additionally, whether you agree with them or not, they are standing up for people who do not have the social or political pull to stand up for themselves.

Now if 6 skaters were being picked on by jocks for years and years and then those 6 skaters decided to stomp the team quarterback I think 99 percent of you here would probably praise those actions. Saying that the quarterback got what he deserved. If that is the case, then why are so quick to send these 6 youths to prison?

If you think these youths should go to prison regardless, then that's a different story. If so then you are also stating that any highschool fight where someone gets "jumped" needs to go to adult prison. Do you really wanna accept such a policy? Every high school fight where its not one on one should go to prison. Despite the taunting that may have happened in the past, despite this being the youths first offense, you are advocating jail time. And if you believe that, then you're off in your own reality.

"We could not prove that, because the statements of the students themselves do not make any mention of nooses, of trees, of the 'N' word or any other word of racial hate."

That's why it was determined to have nothing to do with the beating. The "Jena 6" would've said, "we did it because they hung a noose", but they didn't. They just picked a random white kid to beat up to prove a point. So, your theory just got thrown out the window. As well, you're basically saying the kids from Columbine were justified in doing what they did. They were picked on all throughout their school years, and finally snapped. I was bullied as a kid. I was short and fat. High school hit, and I grew. A lot. I never seeked revenge on people who picked on me. That's retarded.

This wasn't six kids being picked on by jocks then beating one of the jocks. These were the jocks. The jocks beat up a white kid because white kids hung a noose. That sounds fair... :rolleyes:

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I read somewhere the kid who got beat up had nothing to do with the noose. That's why it was determined to have nothing to do with the beating. So, your theory just got thrown out the window. As well, you're basically saying the kids from Columbine were justified in doing what they did. They were picked on all throughout their school years, and finally snapped. I was bullied as a kid. I was short and fat. High school hit, and I grew. A lot. I never seeked revenge on people who picked on me. That's retarded.

This wasn't six kids being picked on by jocks then beating one of the jocks. These were the jocks. The jocks beat up a white kid because white kids hung a noose. That sounds fair... :rolleyes:

"The fight followed a series of racially charged incidents that included white students hanging nooses from a tree at the school. They were not charged."

"The fight among the youths was sparked after several nooses were hung from that tree."

Source: http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-09-20-jena-rally_N.htm

As a result, my point IS valid.

Beating up a kid and killing an entire school with guns are 2 entirely different things. That is an elementary comparison.

Were the Jenna 6 wrong for what they did??? ABSOLUTELY!!! Do they deserve to face attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder charges as adult??? Should they be charged with adult felonies and go to prison??? Hell no!

BTW Satan, please don't try and compare you being a fat kid in high school to being a black kid in high school.

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"The fight followed a series of racially charged incidents that included white students hanging nooses from a tree at the school. They were not charged."

"The fight among the youths was sparked after several nooses were hung from that tree."

Source: http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-09-20-jena-rally_N.htm

As a result, my point IS valid.

Beating up a kid and killing an entire school with guns are 2 entirely different things. That is an elementary comparison.

Were there Jenna 6 wrong for what they did??? ABSOLUTELY!!! Do they deserve to face attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder charges as adult??? Should they be charged with adult felonies and go to prison??? Hell no!

BTW Satan, please don't try and compare you being a fat kid in high school to being a black kid in high school.

What the media says and what the courts say..... The media never mentioned the nooses until the Jena 6 beat that kid. Now the media says they did it because of the noose. The court says the Jena 6 never said anything about doing this because of the noose, racial slurs, etc. So, which do you believe? Your point is not valid.

Ganging up on a kid and beating his ass supposedly for revenge...

Shooting kids who picked on you for revenge...

Different, but justified by you saying:

Now if 6 skaters were being picked on by jocks for years and years and then those 6 skaters decided to stomp the team quarterback I think 99 percent of you here would probably praise those actions. Saying that the quarterback got what he deserved. If that is the case, then why are so quick to send these 6 youths to prison?
I agree they shouldn't be charged with attempted murder. However, I do believe they should all be charged with battery and conspiracy to commit battery. They committed the crime. Period. Had it been six white kids beating on one black kid this would be a hate crime, and the white kid would be fucked. True story. But because the rolls are reversed, somehow this is justified? It should be considered a hate crime just the same as those guys who beat the gay guy in Texas not too long ago.

I'm not black. I don't care who is black and who is white, yellow, brown, purple. I don't care who is fat or skinny. If you act like a criminal you should be treated like one. The noose in the tree was not a crime. Mean, hateful, yes. Harmful to anyone? No (Don't even say anything about emotions).

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Had it been six white kids beating on one black kid this would be a hate crime, and the white kid would be fucked. True story. But because the rolls are reversed, somehow this is justified? It should be considered a hate crime just .

Never once have I read where anyone is saying the beating was justified due to the noose hanging. It was originally brought to light because of the charge. The fact is it was a hate crime. The fact that there was a "Whites only" tree in 2007 in itself is racist. If the beaten kid was a part of the noose hanging, i'm sure he wasn't estranged to the N word, which is mostly likely why he got his ass kicked. No, I do not think they should walk free, they should face a judge for what they did. That whole area is known for racial tension, so this was and is a racial issue. The incident...not the aftermath and consequences.

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What the media says and what the courts say..... The media never mentioned the nooses until the Jena 6 beat that kid. Now the media says they did it because of the noose. The court says the Jena 6 never said anything about doing this because of the noose, racial slurs, etc. So, which do you believe? Your point is not valid.

Ganging up on a kid and beating his ass supposedly for revenge...

Shooting kids who picked on you for revenge...

Different, but justified by you saying:

In court proceedings, where a person enters a "not guilty" plea, that is all that is said. A defendant would be insane to state, "we did not do this because of the noose, we did it for some other reason... and oh, by the way we plead not guilty." They plead not guilty and schedule another date.

And just because I feel that that sometimes a bully needs to be socked in the mouth does not mean he should be killed. I never said that or wrote it. So despite how you wanna "interpret" what I wrote, we all know that those are two entirely different things.

And I do agree with you. If you are a criminal, you should be treated like a criminal. But as I stated in my original post we need to treat apples like apples. Their cupablity does not rise to level of adult level felonies which would result in many years in prison. And I NEVER said the assault was justified. Because it was not justified. They should be punished for what they did... Juvenile level felony assault.

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BTW Satan, please don't try and compare you being a fat kid in high school to being a black kid in high school.

You were better off in my school being black than fat so do not start with the oppressed talk.

My neighbor is an anesthesiologist and she is a black woman, I am sure that she would not be happy with someone telling her she cant do it because of her race. She would probably say I am a doctor because I worked hard and spent my time studying. Tell her that she is oppressed and she will tell you if oppressed is making 300k then yes I am.

People can achieve what ever they want and the only limiting factor is themselves.

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Never once have I read where anyone is saying the beating was justified due to the noose hanging. It was originally brought to light because of the charge. The fact is it was a hate crime.
Its been brought up a few times.
The fact that there was a "Whites only" tree in 2007 in itself is racist.
I agree completely. However, who claimed it to be a white's only tree? The school administration is who said the black kids could sit there. Its kinda like the cool kids table in the lunch room. Fucking retarded.
If the beaten kid was a part of the noose hanging, i'm sure he wasn't estranged to the N word, which is mostly likely why he got his ass kicked.
He wasn't a part of it. That was determined already.
No, I do not think they should walk free, they should face a judge for what they did. That whole area is known for racial tension, so this was and is a racial issue. The incident...not the aftermath and consequences.
I agree.
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You were better off in my school being black than fat so do not start with the oppressed talk.
Same here.
My neighbor is an anesthesiologist and she is a black woman, I am sure that she would not be happy with someone telling her she cant do it because of her race. She would probably say I am a doctor because I worked hard and spent my time studying. Tell her that she is oppressed and she will tell you if oppressed is making 300k then yes I am.

People can achieve what ever they want and the only limiting factor is themselves.

Very well put.
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You were better off in my school being black than fat so do not start with the oppressed talk.

My neighbor is an anesthesiologist and she is a black woman, I am sure that she would not be happy with someone telling her she cant do it because of her race. She would probably say I am a doctor because I worked hard and spent my time studying. Tell her that she is oppressed and she will tell you if oppressed is making 300k then yes I am.

People can achieve what ever they want and the only limiting factor is themselves.

wow... Now do you think that your school was the norm in the country or the exception? Now that those 4 years of high school are over do you still feel "oppressed?" If you're fat, you can lose weight. If you don't like your school, you can switch schools. If you are black, you're going to always be black. I'm not going to continue to justify this post with a response.

But I've got to comment on your Dr. That's awesome that she did well for herself. Ask her how much easier would it have been had she been a white man. Ask her if she would've applied or gotten into other schools if that were the case. Ask her how many times she gets asked if she's the "nurse?" Ask her how many times she gets told, "wow, you speak very well." Ask her how many times she gets asked for ID when she writes a check. Ask her WHY she went into surgery as opposed to other fields of medicine. I know LOTS of black surgeons and lots of them have told me that they went into surgery because whites have a hard time going to a general practioner who is black. Shitty, I like you dude. But, you're wrong on this one. Lets not escalate this.

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I agree completely. However, who claimed it to be a white's only tree? The school administration is who said the black kids could sit there.

It was just known to be such. Since this, the tree has been cut down. The fact that someone had to tell "the black kids" they are allowed to sit somewhere could not be anymore transparent.

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In court proceedings, where a person enters a "not guilty" plea, that is all that is said. A defendant would be insane to state, "we did not do this because of the noose, we did it for some other reason... and oh, by the way we plead not guilty." They plead not guilty and schedule another date.
If I got arrested for beating someone's ass because they picked on me for years and years or whatever, you bet I'd say so on the police report. It'd be mentioned at some point.
And just because I feel that that sometimes a bully needs to be socked in the mouth does not mean he should be killed. I never said that or wrote it. So despite how you wanna "interpret" what I wrote, we all know that those are two entirely different things.
I got it, but I was showing the relevance. At what point is it justified? Never. Being a lawyer you of all people should know revenge is never legally justified. Two wrongs never make a right.
And I do agree with you. If you are a criminal, you should be treated like a criminal. But as I stated in my original post we need to treat apples like apples. Their cupablity does not rise to level of adult level felonies which would result in many years in prison.
I agree 100%. Apples to apples. Whether they should be tried as adults or juveniles is up to the courts. Had it just been a high school fight, no I don't think they should be tried as adults. However, this wasn't just a high school fight. This was a preplanned hate crime.
And I NEVER said the assault was justified. Because it was not justified. They should be punished for what they did... Juvenile level felony assault.
But you said:
Now if 6 skaters were being picked on by jocks for years and years and then those 6 skaters decided to stomp the team quarterback I think 99 percent of you here would probably praise those actions. Saying that the quarterback got what he deserved
Sure sounds like you're trying to justify it.
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Luckily I wasnt fat:D but I made the best of my situation. I understand where you are coming from too Cleaner. My friend Labron wanted me to make the resevations for his wedding at a certain country club because he thought that they were rejecting him because he was black. I told him I would do it for him but asked "do you really want to go to a place like that anyways"? Then there were some clubs we went to in Atlanta for his bachelor party and they really werent happy about me being there. I guess I have realized that I am not going to change the world and if there is somewhere I am not welcome then I wont go there.

I have no connections with anyone in that little shit town. Maybe the kid ran his mouth, and he got his ass kicked and they should do there month or so in juvie and move on with their lives. I am glad someone is standing up for them so they dont get life but marching thousands of people into their little town is good for nobody

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