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Well it wasnt me, it was the wife. she was going home for lunch and got pulled over for window tint of all things. the guy said he wanted to teach he a lesson b/c awile back his brother or brother-in-law was killed riding a mc because somebody swerved into his lane. they blamed it on the window tint. thats why he gave her a ticket. no warning, just ticket. ($115)

so any help is appreciated.

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I just got a ticket for window tint not even two weeks ago...and my tint is only 35%. I was in the OSU campus area...on my way to pick up my bike at the storage area in order to go riding. Needless to say, it ruined my night and I didn't go riding because I was too pissed off. What pissed me off the most was that the officer had me roll down my back window so she could check that too...I wanted to tell her to kick rocks because in Ohio I can spray paint my back windows black if I wanted to and she can't do anything about it. Ahhh :mad:, oh yeah and her stupid machine said my tint was 33% and that's not right....they are 35%.

Well, bottom line is I paid the ticket....all $110 of it. :ky: by CPD. Can't wait to move to FL...my tint is legal there and I can ride my motorcycle all year around!

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  exSRAaron said:
20% is legal i believe, take it to count, but he may show up since he's had a death related to the situation..hmm

Nope, 50% is legal, which is basically like not even having tint. And that only applies to the windshield/front two windows, the rest you have anything.

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  420gsxr1000 said:
if you ask me....tell that story about the cop to the judge....sounds like the cop had alternative motives or somthing.......instead of having out for bikes like most of em....hes got it out for window tinters!!! lol lol


they have nothing better to do then sit around and play with their nightsticks

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  Satan said:
Perry Township is Sawmill Rd/270 area, right? If so, just pay it. You're not getting out of shit. Think New Rome. Same shit.

lol my car broke down in new rome a few years back in a speedway parking lot. I had my hood up and was looking for a problem with my engine. about 15 minutes later, a cop pulled up to the gas station and parked right next to my car. he went inside to get some coffee. when he came out, i was standing there with my hood still open and my hands covered in crap.

"excuse me officer, my car broke down and i was wondering if there's anything you can do to help me."

he looks at me, he looks at my car, he looks back at me, and i shit you not, these were his exact words:

"i'm a cop, not a mechanic"

then he hopped in his car, drove about 500 feet away and started clocking people.

gahanna PD are fukkin' horrible too. i have no respect for them. it's like east germany over there.

any other police officer, CPD, state highway patrol, i have a lot of respect for. they actually put their lives on the line everyday instead of these assholes.

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  SuperHawk said:
Nope, 50% is legal, which is basically like not even having tint. And that only applies to the windshield/front two windows, the rest you have anything.

wow thats crazy..it pissed me off when they pull ppl over that u can see through then u see those gangsta cars with black windows always riding around?!

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