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1000 Ways To Die


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Anyone else watch this show? It shows some really crazy and dumb ways to die. Here's one where an old lady with 30 years of experience in Taekwondo beats the crap out of a purse snatcher and kills him.


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i think this shows a whole bunch of bogus of some of the stupidest ways to die. there may be some things that really do happen but some are real over rated. i saw one with a whole bunch of chicks washing a van and some how they all got electricuted because they were touching the van. im not 100 % sure but if the van has rubber wheels wouldnt it not make a full circuit to the ground? there for not making the voltage to go all the way thru them to the ground..

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i think this shows a whole bunch of bogus of some of the stupidest ways to die. there may be some things that really do happen but some are real over rated. i saw one with a whole bunch of chicks washing a van and some how they all got electricuted because they were touching the van. im not 100 % sure but if the van has rubber wheels wouldnt it not make a full circuit to the ground? there for not making the voltage to go all the way thru them to the ground..

depends...thats like saying if you touch the two terminals of a battery together with a wrench you wont get shocked because the van has tires...trust me, you will get shocked

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I love that show.... and I they are all ways idiots find to kill themselves. Some do sound far fetched but true. I have a book called fatal facts and there are many deaths listed in it that are just as bizaar. Face it..... there are a million ways to die. (some a lot dumber than others)

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i think this shows a whole bunch of bogus of some of the stupidest ways to die. there may be some things that really do happen but some are real over rated. i saw one with a whole bunch of chicks washing a van and some how they all got electricuted because they were touching the van. im not 100 % sure but if the van has rubber wheels wouldnt it not make a full circuit to the ground? there for not making the voltage to go all the way thru them to the ground..

Well its like saying if you are in your car while it gets struck by lightning you are okay because in it on rubber tires. Thats false, you are okay because the electricity moves around you through the metal of the car, path of least resistance is not through you and your seat. And plus they were washing the car the electricity probably went through the water as well, chances are they were wet right?

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I watched the show when they had this episode. There are tons of ways to die. Some of the ones that they had in there were funny.

My 2 teenage boys have been watching this lately, and as you can imagine, think it's hilarious

I think I saw midget wrestlers on there tonight :rolleyes::lol:

Funniest part is, my wife was watching it with them the other day.... Along with "Manswers"

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