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I need help, info on some history.(LG PICS)


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I have two lottery tickets I have had for as long as I can remember. They are dated Friday April 28th, 1922. I know there is a wide variety of people on here so I am hoping that maybe someone knows something or knows someone that may know something about these. Thanks.





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i'd say its worth about $15 tops based off of the condition and the going price for similar years on ebay. sorry to burst your bubble if you were hoping for a pot of gold.

No, wasn't looking for a pot of gold. I have a boxes and boxes of old and collectible stuff. I just really need to go through them all. I don't buy/ find this stuff to make a million bucks, I like the history and stories behind the. I figured I'd start here.

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$2 purchase price back then was a freakin' fortune!! :wtf:
And the $20k top payout was crazy big, back then!

Cool stuf, even if it's not worth much!

That's why I like stuff like this.

$20,000.00 in 1922 had about the same buying power as $249,652.02 in 2010.

Annual inflation over this period was about 2.91%.

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