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Tazer vid...


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I guess he should have stopped resisting.

Yeah, they killed him... He died.

And XB, HE DID stop resisting. You can hear him saying, "I can't breathe, I stopped resisting, don't kill me, I have a family to support, please don't kill me, I can't breathe."

Also in the video you can see at least one hand over the guys mouth and nose. Pretty disturbing to watch. The only time he seemed to be resisting is when he (I think) is dying. It actually looks like he's convulsing at that point.

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Yeah, they killed him... He died.

Sorry he gets no sympathy from me. don't want to run that risk, don't resist or be an ass in the first place. I'm a firm believer that if you run the police should have the right to shoot to kill, at that point your endangering thousands of other innocent lives for no reason whatsoever. If you didn't do anything why are you running?

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Sorry he gets no sympathy from me. don't want to run that risk, don't resist or be an ass in the first place. I'm a firm believer that if you run the police should have the right to shoot to kill, at that point your endangering thousands of other innocent lives for no reason whatsoever. If you didn't do anything why are you running?

dude, did you watch the video? I saw 8 officers carrying one guy. I didn't see any resisting. Its different if a guy goes on a shooting rampage and then decides to "not resist." But all I saw in this video were a bunch of officers carrying away a guy and him screaming for them to "please don't" kill him.

If you begin to fight officers and then decide you don't want to do that anymore and they continue to kick your ass, that's a different story. Here I saw a dude getting carried away and then killed.

YOU don't know if that guy had run from the police or not. YOU don't know if that guy was wanted for murder OR for carrying a joint in his pocket. YOU don't know if that guy was a threat to anybody or not. YOU don't know if that guy actually did run or not. He definately wasn't running in the video.

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dude, did you watch the video? I saw 8 officers carrying one guy. I didn't see any resisting. Its different if a guy goes on a shooting rampage and then decides to "not resist." But all I saw in this video were a bunch of officers carrying away a guy and him screaming for them to "please don't" kill him.

If you begin to fight officers and then decide you don't want to do that anymore and they continue to kick your ass, that's a different story. Here I saw a dude getting carried away and then killed.

YOU don't know if that guy had run from the police or not. YOU don't know if that guy was wanted for murder OR for carrying a joint in his pocket. YOU don't know if that guy was a threat to anybody or not. YOU don't know if that guy actually did run or not. He definately wasn't running in the video.

YOU also don't see him the entire video untill they put him on the bed where he is resisting, re-watch that particular part several times, he's trying to roll off the bed, and is not cooperating, so if you didn't see him resisting you need to get your eyes checked. It is an excellent video though, about the only thing you can get from it is how to spell "Sheriff" since the "victim" is only on screen for about 5-8 frames.

No I, you or anyone else who watches that video knows for sure what happened, but if your being carried in by 8-10 sheriffs officers I'm gonna highly doubt you went willingly.

It's edited that way for that very reason, to make you feel sorry for the guy, i'm sure if they actually showed the WHOLE story from the moment the lights went on till the end of that video it'd be a totally different story.

I feel sorry for him that he was too stupid to consider his family until it was too late, and I do feel sorry for his family. HOWEVER I don't criticize the officers for what they did. They were there in the heat of the moment and acted accordingly, Hind sight is always 20/20, it's easy to criticize something when your watching it from the comfort of your home or office.

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People can watch the video themselves and be the judge. He didn't start "resisting" on the video until volts were going through him. And BTW, it doesn't matter if I get my eyes checked, even a blind man can see that.

The guy didn't have to die. At the time they murded him, no one was in any immediate danger. He wasn't even spitting.

Its nice to see that you think all police officers act accordingly and never do anything wrong. I usually differ to their discretion when they do their job. However when I see them kill a guy on tape, I feel that they too are human and are capable of wrongdoing.

I'm not going to argue with you Dweeze. As I wrote, people can watch the video and come to their own conclusions.

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WHat a bunch of fucking idiots. Especially the medical staff. love how the guy tries to wake the dood up by using sniffing salts. How about a fucking AED buddy. Last time I checked sniffing salts dont work too well if you done have a pulse. Fucking retarded video and situation.

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I've been hit w/a tazer. I wasn't even ready for it ...I had no idea it was going to happen!!!I don't think it can kill you but it hurts like a motherf....er. Maybe if you were on some drugs.Some kind of drug that speeds up your heart...maybe if your old? I'm sure he didn't get in to that situation on accident.

As for cover ppl mouth,Hell I did that in high school wrestling. It works!!Most ppl panic. Its funny to see cops use this "submission" move.

Safe bet is to do what they say.;)

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People can watch the video themselves and be the judge. He didn't start "resisting" on the video until volts were going through him. And BTW, it doesn't matter if I get my eyes checked, even a blind man can see that.

The guy didn't have to die. At the time they murded him, no one was in any immediate danger. He wasn't even spitting.

No he didn't, and it's ashame that he did, but he was not murded, errr, murdered. He simply suffered consequences of his actions, no one put him in that situation in the first place but him self. I'll bet my life that he wasn't tazed just for shits and giggles, he did something you could not see, not like you could ever see him to begin with.

Its nice to see that you think all police officers act accordingly and never do anything wrong. I usually differ to their discretion when they do their job. However when I see them kill a guy on tape, I feel that they too are human and are capable of wrongdoing.
No I don't think they never do wrong, however I know quite a few of them and there human and just trying to do there job to the best of there ability. Again, the best way out is no not put yourself in that situation to begin with, and I didn't notice any officers laughing uncontrollably while the guy was getting tazed so I seriously doubt it was without provocation.
I'm not going to argue with you Dweeze. As I wrote, people can watch the video and come to their own conclusions.
And I'm not going to argue with you, we can simply agree to disagree.
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Sorry he gets no sympathy from me. don't want to run that risk, don't resist or be an ass in the first place. I'm a firm believer that if you run the police should have the right to shoot to kill, at that point your endangering thousands of other innocent lives for no reason whatsoever. If you didn't do anything why are you running?

so you're saying the death penalty is a viable punishment for fleeing?

i agree people shouldnt run or resist, but its just a fact of life that people make bad decisions. if they didnt then we wouldnt need cops in the first place. but getting tased to death should only be done AFTER the trial.

besides that, if they can shoot to kill if you're running, then whats to stop them from just shooting you because they feel like it, and then saying "oh well he was trying to run... sorry bout it"

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Sorry he gets no sympathy from me. don't want to run that risk, don't resist or be an ass in the first place. I'm a firm believer that if you run the police should have the right to shoot to kill, at that point your endangering thousands of other innocent lives for no reason whatsoever. If you didn't do anything why are you running?

Killing someone because they ran from the police is probably the most ridiculous thing I ever heard on this site. I'm glad no one died and made you boss.


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Killing someone because they ran from the police is probably the most ridiculous thing I ever heard on this site. I'm glad no one died and made you boss.


Me too, however if someone holds up a bank, they chase the guy through down town and that asshole hits and kills your wife/family while fleeing, I'm sure you'd think otherwise. Oh wait, no you wouldn't, it was simply a bad decision. Everyone makes them.

call it preventative maintenance.

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Jesus people. Dweezel had it rite.. HE DIDNT GO WILLINGLY

When the video camera comes out.. and there are that many deputies, its a 99.9999% chance that he was an out of control shit bag in the first place.

Everytime Ive seen the camera come out, its only for 1 reason, because the person is so out of control that it needs to be taped just for officer safety. Now because of asshole, greedy, money hungry attorneys these days its sad that everything needs to be taped or recorded in this sue happy country we live in.

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Jesus people. Dweezel had it rite.. HE DIDNT GO WILLINGLY

When the video camera comes out.. and there are that many deputies, its a 99.9999% chance that he was an out of control shit bag in the first place.

Everytime Ive seen the camera come out, its only for 1 reason, because the person is so out of control that it needs to be taped just for officer safety. Now because of asshole, greedy, money hungry attorneys these days its sad that everything needs to be taped or recorded in this sue happy country we live in.

I guess we should adopt the policy employed by Russia and Iran. Kill the guy behind closed doors without a trial by a jury. That would solve everything right.

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Me too, however if someone holds up a bank, they chase the guy through down town and that asshole hits and kills your wife/family while fleeing, I'm sure you'd think otherwise. Oh wait, no you wouldn't, it was simply a bad decision. Everyone makes them.

call it preventative maintenance.


you don't want to be like Peter Parker living with the blood of Uncle Ben on your hands

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