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bow hunting


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Yes, it's murder season again, the time of year when ppl like to kill innocent animals. So watch out on those back roads, especially at night. Bike vs deer probably wouldn't have a good outcome for either party!

Just because of this comment I am going to jimmy johns today for lunch and I am getting that sandwich that has 3 different kinds of dead animals on it (turkey, Cow, and pig)

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I bow hunt. With that being said, I never hunted in Ohio...only in my home state of PA. I would like to find a place to hunt in Ohio. I hear most of the state-owned spots suck. It would be nice to find a place that's close...close enough to hit after work. If you have any ideas...let me know.

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Dont get me (or 250bunny) wrong, we are far from veggie tree huggers, we are not going to come out & protest or scare the deer off or anything (and for any of you about to say something like "if you did i'd....." just f'ing dont. I dont hunt deer but you start making threats & the deer seasion will be one hunter less).

If you really feel that hunting deer is the only way to stop them breeding etc then you are just a little less clever than the deer.

Just admit it (if you can) you do it for fun, nothing more, nothing less.

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Paper targets and 1 gallon containers hanging from trees is just as good.And I won't have to eat deer meat 3 times a week!But on the other hand my father would hunt to keep food on the table some winters " broke hit in the mouth"You no what I'm talking about.

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Apparently you guys missed the whole point of my post. During deer season you will see more of them on the roadway as they are being chased out of their natural environment. So I am simply warning everyone to be careful on the back roads.

On the other hand, I choose not to hunt. This is my choice and I am simply stating my strong opinion. I disagree with hunting, realize it is a hobby and know lots of ppl who do it. I just don't see the sport in shooting someone who can't fight back. It's like getting into the ring with a blind man! The other party has no chance! If that's what it takes to make you feel like a man...

I am less irritated when the hunter actually eats the prey rather than just using it for a trophy. Otherwise, that's called poaching, my friends. I have eaten rabbit and venison, didn't like the taste, but I ate it. I am not a vegetarian but very close.

I have worked on several animals that have been shot with arrows as well as bullets. And most of the time they live!!! Haha! Had a cat a couple weeks ago that was shot in the head between the eyes with a .22 and he acted like nothing had happened. We removed the bullet (was lodged in his inner ear) and he's doing fine! I think he's strutting in his back yard right now flipping off the fuckers who shot him! :bigfinger: Also working in surgery, you start to look at meat as simply muscle and that's just gross.

And if you're going to play the overpopulation card...

If you were doing the world a favor, you wouldn't have to pay for a license to kill!

And I'm not against shooting. I love archery and shooting. And I'm a pretty good shot!

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I do it for fun. I'm not saying it's right or it's wrong. It's just something I enjoy doing. I eat some of the meat...not all of it...I like to make deer jerky. I also hunt for the "trophy" part of it...which IS NOT poaching. Poaching is killing something illegally. I only hunt deer now...but I have hunted other things.

As far as hunting/killing making me feel like a man....that's pretty ridiculous. I feel like a man anytime I get a chance to bake cookies and vacuum...I don't need hunting. Oh, shaving my face, at times, makes me feel pretty manly as well.

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I also hunt for the "trophy" part of it...which IS NOT poaching. Poaching is killing something illegally.

Speaking of poaching, we could use the thermal imaging camera i picked up and go out for some late night hunting!!! J/K

I think that hunting is fun. it is all about being patiant and waiting for the animal to come to you.

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I enjoy hunting and it is a good thing to help control the deer population.. We have to "pay" for a license because the gov knows they can make money off of it. Not to mention there are wildlife officials that have salaries that need to be paid. No matter what you think.. Hunting is a business to the gov and a hobby for most of us. I commend you bunny because from what you say, you work at a Vet. I always wanted to be a vet and used to volunteer at one on a regular basis. However, Im not buying a license to hunt domesticated animals or your neighborhood cat. Hunting is a hell of allot harder and generally more expensive then going to the store and picking up a pack of steaks or chicken. So while bambi isn't swinging a gun in my face, she sure as hell has a better chance of survival then the turkeys sitting in the cooler at Krogers.

Hunting is a strong topic with some and that is fine with me but dont be fooled and think that its un-fair or just bloody murder just because you dont to it. I dont see anyone posting threads about the meat counter at krogers being too full or the poor dead fish frozen ready to be taken home.

Its a difference of opinions and one person is not going to change the others.

And bunny, you are right,, there will be allot more deer running around this time of year so everyone definitely should be careful whether in a car or on a bike.

Zorro,, what kind of bow hunting do you do. Compound or Crossbow

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Just a little note on the the vegetarian issue....

I had a girl at work who refused to buy a turkey for Thanksgiving. I understand that if enough ppl don't buy them one year then maybe the demand will be less the next year thus hurting the business. But I was trying to convince her if she doesn't eat the ones that are already dead that they would have only died in vain! LOL That got her thinking!

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I am not going to argue ethics or options with this topic. To each his own. This thread is kind of like going to work and talking politics or religion, you just should not do it. This a where people who ride bikes get together. When a thread starts out with someone asking a general question about a topic and then people start to chime in with thier opinions on the same topic without answering the original question, that is when things go wrong and feeling get hurt.

Now as for where to go hunt, if you do not have any access to private land there are quite a few quality public hunting lands to choose from. Here locally you should spend time at Alum Creek on the northeast side. Deleware state park is real good also.

Now as for my opinion. I have hunted for a long time, started as a youngster. Polished my skills while hunting animals of another breed while in the Marine Corps, but now prefer to bowhunt for whitetail deer along with waterfowl hunt in the later part of winter. I hunt because I like to be out in the woods and watch the sun come up and go down. It is not about killing, I have had some of my best hunts when I have never got to loose an arrow or pull the trigger. Hell I have more respect for most of the game I hunt and hopefully get to consume than I do most humans I meet. That being said I would hate to have someone judge another person based only on thier posts to a web site without meeting them face to face first.

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Like most of the threads on here, after just a few posts they seem to drift from the subject.

As for people "chiming in" the last I knew everyone on this forum had the same rights to comment, perhaps i'm wrong. Who does have more rights to post than other?

I could also be wrong about this to being from another country and all but isn't one of the big things Americans harp on about all the time "freedom of speech", I think they missed a bit from that, I think it is more like "freedom of speech..... unless you disagree with the masses, then you are wrong & should keep quite."

Just an outsiders point of view.

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I'd like to go hunting... It's just always so early and so damn cold... I do like shooting... and I think I'd enjoy the primal stalking too... Not unlike my current girlfriend... the one I've never met.

I do it for fun. I'm not saying it's right or it's wrong. It's just something I enjoy doing. I eat some of the meat...not all of it...I like to make deer jerky. I also hunt for the "trophy" part of it...which IS NOT poaching. Poaching is killing something illegally. I only hunt deer now...but I have hunted other things.

As far as hunting/killing making me feel like a man....that's pretty ridiculous. I feel like a man anytime I get a chance to bake cookies and vacuum...I don't need hunting. Oh, shaving my face, at times, makes me feel pretty manly as well.

My penis makes me feel manly... regardless of how depressing and small it is.

I prefer non-lethal hunting. Just shoot a deer in the ass with a couple of paintballs .


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