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TONS of stuff - Undertails and Frame Sliders!!!


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  Lizard 1 said:
Nice try - Flounder can attest - I'll ride someone else's bike!!! I'll even make it fair and run a stock 600. Wait, I did...

(I was riding Monte's ZX636 the day he was at Mid-O)

Ok fine i will just get Fuel man put on my leathers and you will be afraid I might spilll.....

You guys rode great that day thought. 16s at Endurance pace was awesome.

Yeah I know you could pass me one handed on a stock 600. Probably on a stock CBR F3

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  flounder said:
Takes to much effort to swipe the bike.. Keys, helmets and leathers however are a different story...

yeah yeah... I can be evil as well..

The first thing Im stealing is Chris's Dads tire warmers.. (I mean... hiding.. IN MY GARAGE....)

Inside story. I was fuel man for Lizard and his team mate Mike at the first Fasttrax 3 hour endurance at Putnam. They had one of the quick fuel tanks, but it didn't have the back flow to stop once full. It filled so fast i couldn't shut it off fast enough once I could see it near the top.

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  Chrisoh said:
Hey Lizard, if you don't have a Partner for the 3 hour we can run my 1k next year..

Well, if you don't mind running different tires, I might be able to pursuade either Reuben to ride or at least Agnes... Mike's moving to Texas so, he'll be out...

I know we could do 14s easily since we've had a few other shots at racing there. I bet faster if we could have a full day of practice before the race, but that ain't gonna happen...

Let me know. Don't be teasing like that...

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  Lizard 1 said:
Well, if you don't mind running different tires, I might be able to pursuade either Reuben to ride or at least Agnes... Mike's moving to Texas so, he'll be out...

I know we could do 14s easily since we've had a few other shots at racing there. I bet faster if we could have a full day of practice before the race, but that ain't gonna happen...

Let me know. Don't be teasing like that...

Yeah I'll run other tires. I stick with BT right now for price and they are not above my skill level so why spend $$ when my skill level doesn't warrant it.

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  flounder said:
Actually my goal is to get my race license this summer.. I just need to know what all I have to do to do it.

Any links?


If I have to prep the bike alot I would like to work on that over the winter.

I thought you wanted to keep it streetable....

The way to get a license is really easy. Check out www.wera.com If you've done extensive track days, you know where you need to be ability-wise. You can enter the Team Chicago school at Grattan for free and be able to qualify to get a WERA license. You can also do teh STT Pro days and get the same thing.

Cost is what you make of it. The actual license costs are $100, I think. It is what Fasttrax charges, I know, but I am a lifetime member with WERA and haven't had to renew/buy a license for a while...

To prep a bike for racing, it is extensive and you'll not really have an easy time if you want to switch back and forth from street to track.

BUY MY 750.... It's faster than Chris's 1000!!!

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Well Lizard is probably right about that, but at least I still have original tranny and 6th gear..

But yeah your options are as lizard says, you may be able to squeeze in the Fasttrax if you act fast, but you can always do the two weekends with WERA and run one race a day for the two weekends then you are done. And as Lizard knows if you can run in the 1:43-1:47 range at Mid OH then your pace will not be too dangerous in race setting. I have seen some slow provisionals this year and I have seen a Provisional that would have placed top 3 minimum in expert by his lap times.

Another idea is if you want you can head south and do a school like Ed Bargy, or Penguin in FL over the winter.

But you are looking at $100 for liecense + some $$ for the school (WERA or secondary) then $65 for at least one race a weekend.

FYI I will not race prep a bike, I have just tried to drill the dang Oil drain plug (on bike and in vice) and lost 3 bits and only made a whole about 1mm deep. For the $200 it cost to pay someone else to do it I will gladly pay it.

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List updated - Busa sliders are gone.

NOTE: All undertails are heading to ebay. I've had only one interested person so, if you need/want one, make an offer or they are heading to the ebay store... They'll certainly fetch better prices than I am willing to sell for here. Make an offer...

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Items on Ebay:

GSXR undertail 04/05 600/750 Yellow:


GSXR undertail 03 04 White:


CBR929 undertail Black:


CBR929 undertail Yellow:


GSXR 1000 03 04 White:


Carbon Fiber tank guard CBR1000 04 +:


Crabon Fiber tank guard GSXR 600/750 96-99:


Carbon Fiber engine case cover GSR 600/750/1000 00-03:


Carbon Fiber engine case cover GSXR 600/750 96-99:


Frame sliders GSXR 600/750:


Frame sliders RC51 (I have two sets of these - only one auction right now):


Frame sliders CBR 600 F4i:



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