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Item on e-bay: Is this any good?


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E-bay: Chip Module

Item is described as:

99 00 01 02 03 04 05 Kawasaki ZX- 636 Z1000 Chip Module

It claims that you gain 9-13 HP & it's only $24.99

There is quite a few good feedbacks for this & other Chip Modules they sell.

It seems like the kind of thing that would be crap & I have not heard any mention it before so I just thought I ask.

There is this one to for $29.95:

Chip Module $29.95

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Its basically a TRE if its anything at all. For bikes to get a power increase out of electronics alone, you have to have your bike mapped ..

It is possible to put "performance chips" in cars of which they are basically just chips with different maps already in them.

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It's bullshit and junk. You'd gain more by taking a really big poop and running the bike than plugging that in...

It's cheap enough, though that you ought to buy it and Dyno the bike with and without it on to see the real numbers.

Buy a PC and do it right...

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All pretty much as I though then.

I know the car chips & good but also cost a lot more than $25.

I'll give it a miss I think. Wait I get a real PC if one come up cheap enough

If you want the PC to do anything for you, get full exhaust and modify the airbox.

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As well as the PC or instead? I'd guess you mean all 3

All three... And really that's if you are really serious about performance... Unless you're hitting the track, I don't see much use for putting that sort of money into that little HP. Of course, different bikes react differently to these mods... some will see significant gains because they have been choked out by EPA regulations... Others will gain only a few HP... I'd do lotsa research before dumping a grand (or more) into a bike...

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Oh... as a guy mentioned in another thread I just read... You want something you'll really notice... do a 520 chain conversion and drop one in the front and go up two in the rear... then get a Speedo-Healer. Cheap and you'll really feel it.

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Oh... as a guy mentioned in another thread I just read... You want something you'll really notice... do a 520 chain conversion and drop one in the front and go up two in the rear... then get a Speedo-Healer. Cheap and you'll really feel it.

I hear a few people talking about that. How will it change the performance as in, more top end, better mid range, faster bottom end ect?

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All three... And really that's if you are really serious about performance... Unless you're hitting the track, I don't see much use for putting that sort of money into that little HP. Of course, different bikes react differently to these mods... some will see significant gains because they have been choked out by EPA regulations... Others will gain only a few HP... I'd do lotsa research before dumping a grand (or more) into a bike...

Uh, DON'T modify teh airbox... No racers do such things in SS classes and VERY few do anything in even SB classes. Leave them alone. PAIR valve mod, maybe, but for the most part, even the stock airfilter is good to go.

Run a PC ONLY if you have an exhaust. Otherwise, waste of time in stock form. However, not a complete waste as many of the bikes are set to be safe as far as fuel mistures and you can modify that mixture with a PC and get a little more out of the bike...

A 520 chain conversion isn't going to be felt. One down up front, sure out of the gate, but really, not a lot. Rotation mass isn't going to be felt as much as say, you dropping coin and doing a set of mag wheels... These guys that say they can feel a 520 conversion are full of shit...

Buy an exhaust and PC. DYNO the bike BEFORE you do anything. Slap on the exhaust and PC and have someone who knows what they are doing map your bike. You'll get more than a $150 chain conversion...

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