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Sony's version of RROD


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If you have an older "fat" PS3 you most likely are hosed from playing games online and even some offline. The infomation below was pulled from Gamespot.com. I so wanted to kill people tonight! Y2K 10 years and 2 months late.

Here's what's going on right now: something with the PS3's internal clock has borked in some pre-slim models. This is not a PSN issue; it has to do with your PS3's clock. This clock is NOT related to the OS clock. It seems to be a leap year bug. Setting your clock ahead will do nothing. All PS3s around the world were affected at the exact same time.

Does this affect me?

-If you have a Slim PS3, you're good to go. Continue playing it as normal.

-If you have a "fat" PS3, you may be affected. Some fat PS3s have worked ok, but it seems a good majority have been bugged.

What does this bug mean?

-If affected, your date and time has been set to a random past date. This prevents you from signing into PSN, playing any PSN games, or using any DLC. Your trophies will also not display correctly or be able to sync.

How do I fix it?

-You can't. Even if you don't sign into PSN, it won't help. This is a hardware issue.

So, what do I do?

-Wait 24 hours. Other products that have had similar bugs have corrected themselves after the "bugged" day. On Monday around 6pm central time, all PS3s will automatically correct themselves...maybe.

-If that doesn't work, we'll need a firmware update from Sony, which should be a pretty important priority for them right now.

Did I lose my data/themes/etc?

Your save data/games/dlc/themes are fine. They'll be fixed when the PS3 is fixed. Trophies are uncertain right now, but they'll be fine if you've synced them before the PS3 was bugged. Unsynced trophies are an unknown right now.

So there ya go, my handy FAQ.

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i know half of japan is hard at work fixing toyota, but the other half had better get to work fixing sony.

5 years ago, if a bug like this affected starcraft's multiplayer mode, some malnutritioned vitamin D deficient virgin teenage korean kids would've had it fixed before you could say "zerg rush".

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The Zune 30GB had pretty much the same issue a while back. I think it was last year. Wouldn't you know it, the problem showed up on a day that I had actually wanted to use mine!!!!

I'll have to see what those I know with PS3's are saying. I think the primary purpose for a couple of them is just the blu-ray player.

I have been fortunate with my 360, got it on Christmas last year (2008) and hasn't had a hiccup. The most use it gets is watching Netflix though.

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I'm down.

Some games ..you can't even play. Like Heavy Rain...only played it once and now I can't play it at all.

I'm pissed, but knowing the explanation has calmed me down some. It was a unforseen hardware bug, so I'd hardly call it the RRoD..which was caused by M$ purposely rushing the 360 to market even though they knew the hardware had issues.

Still sucks though.

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Fittin' up to go into "black man rage"-mode! :mad:
Hide the white women!
I proceeded to take my big black boxer in Fight Night 4 and beat the crap out of every white guy and mexican I could find in the heavyweight class. That got me through the night.

wait, inya is black?

i thought UP was our token?

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