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I miss Wednsdays at Quaker Steak and Lube


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Only a couple more months of not riding until you can ride 20 minutes to QSL and not ride your bike for a few more hours... (yawn)

Winnar winnar, chicken dinnar.

I might go to QS&L once or twice a year. It just isn't that fun. It's crowded, too many people drinking and riding, horrible bands, a whole lot of standing around, etc. I'd rather ride down to Jimbos, grab some food, screw around in Hocking Hills then come home.

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I might go to QS&L once or twice a year. It just isn't that fun. It's crowded, too many people drinking and riding, horrible bands, a whole lot of standing around, etc. I'd rather ride down to Jimbos, grab some food, screw around in Hocking Hills then come home.

Hells yeah. If I'm going to hang around with dirty, drunk "bikers" I'm at least going to ride to Jimbos to soak up the ambiance of real bikers, not the posers at QS&L.

Yuppies on Harleys are very dissatisfying. ;)

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I miss thursdays at our bike night. Those were some GOOOOOD times. QS&L gets old really fast.

I need to talk to you about that actually. I have a few places chomping at the bit for us to have our bike night there.

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Over beer of course. :D

Like NOT drinkin was an option :lol: Lets get mojoe to join in if he is in town. Actually, sunday at 1000RR rider's shindig could work? Who knows. I think Ill be at mad river saturday tho. They are building a "pond" at the bottom of the hill and people will be attempting to ski/board over it. gonna be too hilarious too miss

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Like NOT drinkin was an option :lol: Lets get mojoe to join in if he is in town. Actually, sunday at 1000RR rider's shindig could work? Who knows. I think Ill be at mad river saturday tho. They are building a "pond" at the bottom of the hill and people will be attempting to ski/board over it. gonna be too hilarious too miss

Sunday works. I'm bringing guns.

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Only a couple more months of not riding until you can ride 20 minutes to QSL and not ride your bike for a few more hours... (yawn)


Couple stops a year for 20 mins or less. Never understood looking at the same shit every week while you could be riding.

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Do you guys think you could pick a bike night day where it doesnt rain every week this year? :D


Every time I considered making the trip over, the clouds decided to unleash a hellacious flurry of rain and wind.

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