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Car Theft or Vandalism


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So, here I am with my car broken into for the 2nd time in 2wks. My car was first broken into on Oct. 14 in the parking lot to my apt. and they broke the driver's side back vent window to only find I don't leave anything of value in the car. In order to get that fixed cost a $100 deductible with my insurance and with classes didn't get fixed until that Friday Oct. 19th. I last one weekend with the freaking fixed window and wake up this morning with my window busted again!!!!!!:mad: I inspect the car to find my stuff tossed around, again as before, but this time the losers tried the hack at my driver's door lock/handle with something; now that's broken. They took nothing once again because yes you guessed it....I DON'T LEAVE ANYTHING IN MY CAR!!:mad: I drive a '02 Malibu....what could I possibly have that is worth breaking into it 2xs in 2wks. Didn't find anything the first time...and if it wasn't the same person, the new person could see that the windows are tinted besides the window that has only been fixed for a week, so someone was already here!!!:bigfinger:....so if the first person that broke into the car didn't already take whatever was worth taking, why would it be there for person #2!! Needless to say I'm about sick of this...I've been parking my car in this lot for more than a year and nothing has happened, but now my personal space has been violated 2xs in 2wks.

With all this frustration...I feel like pulling a vigilante movement:boxing::beating::nono::slap:. If anyone has a few broken electronics that they would like to sit on my dash, so we could camp out for a couple random Sat. nights - Sun. mornings....we can see my car and the window that they break into from my apt. window. I have a decent movie collection that we can watch as we look out the window at my car:popcorn:...I leave it up to you for your weapon of choice. I'm thinking I'll use a baseball bat :beating: to their knee caps, maybe hands, and then we can talk to them and wait for the police (No, I don't claim to be a bad ass nor feel like I Billy bad ass himself...but I am familiar with pissed off and a little bit of crazy). So, if anyone is bored and upset...WE'VE GOT ACTION!

OK, but for real....what to do? CPD says, "nothing." ...land lord says, "try moving the car to one of his other parking lots (not in plain view of my apt., but a block or 2 from my place - not like having the car in plain view is helping anyways:dunno:)."...other suggestions, "invest in a alarm"..."move the car to the street."

All I know is...$100 deductible every other week means less gadgets, gizmoes, and thinger majigs (upgrades) to the motorcycle :broke:.....and this saddens me. :(

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OK, but for real....what to do? CPD says, "nothing." ...land lord says, "try moving the car to one of his other parking lots (not in plain view of my apt., but a block or 2 from my place - not like having the car in plain view is helping anyways:dunno:)."...other suggestions, "invest in a alarm"..."move the car to the street."

move away from the shit hole that is the campus area?

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campus is what it is: an eclectic mix of desperate homeless people, wannabe thugs, and drunk students. I didn't go to OSU, but i visited people a lot (still do actually)

I lost both side-view mirrors. One to vandalism and one to a hit and run (my car was parked both times)

I would try parking some place different for a week or two. See of anyone else's car is broken into in the area.

after that, just stop fixing the window... sell the malibu and buy an escort to use til you graduate.

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OSU Campus area...on Summit. Feel free to take this crime wave back or kick it somewhere else.

Yeah man. Get away from there. The entire area is somewhat of a crap shoot but shit. I rode east of Summit once and thought to myself. My bike isn't nice. But it looks nice. And I can't say that I like that shady group of people on that porch pointing at me. Ok now they're standing up.........

Long story short... Red is the new green, I stopped riding east of campus, and Wal-Mart has good deals on new pants and clean underwear for big guys.

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