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caribou barbie and canadian health care


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What's to discuss? Her family went to the closest doctor when she was a child, which happened to be in Canada. I don't know when she was there, but I don't think single-payer medicine was even around back then.

Why would that be hypocritical?

I'm not a Palin fan, but this seems like a retarded stretch.

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I agree with this.

My follow-up question would've been, "Would you please define 'irony' as you see it, Mrs. Palin?" $10 says she doesn't even know what that word means.

It's like rain, on your wedding day.:o

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What's to discuss? Her family went to the closest doctor when she was a child, which happened to be in Canada. I don't know when she was there, but I don't think single-payer medicine was even around back then.

Why would that by hypocritical?

I'm not a Palin fan, but this seems like a retarded stretch.

It's really not. 30 seconds of research:

Yukon's adoption of universal health care - 1961

Canadian Medical Care Act (cementing UHC for Canada)- 1966

Palin's birth year: - 1964


Any questions?

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It's really not. 30 seconds of research:

Yukon's adoption of universal health care - 1961

Canadian Medical Care Act (cementing UHC for Canada)- 1966

Palin's birth year: - 1964


Any questions?

No questions, I wasn't emotionally invested enough to plumb the interweb to prove a point that doesn't change the nature of the criticism.

Why does this make her hypocritical or somehow lacking because her family chose the closest medical care when she was very young? It's not like she had a choice in the matter, or that her present opinion of socialized medicine is diminished because she was closer to Canada than to similar US care at the time.

First of all, no Republican, and certainly not Palin, is suggesting that the solution to expensive American healthcare costs is to prevent Americans from going to Canada to get care. So, on its face, there's no hypocrisy to this...even if we ignored the obvious details: she was a child and it was an emergency.

Second, she noted the irony of the situation - that she had to cross over to get health care and that's why we even know about it - her admission of the fact that in their remote geography it was easier to go into Canada.

She ain't my horse, I wouldn't vote for her for beauty queen, but this is a retarded criticism.

Edited by swingset
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