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R.I.P. Proud Pops


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So I've been thinking, Pops has gone on to a better place, today i became a father at about 3 o'clock this morning. I was texting Justin, and he enlightened me on a couple things. He said he refused to say RIP regarding pops, because he knows that pops is up there watching over us all. I believe it, the man had a heart bigger than Texas. Justin also informed me that his Dad's middle name was Lynn. We named our baby girl, Madison Lynn. I don't believe in coincidences, i think we have ourselves a guardian angel. Justin i love you like a brother man, holler if you need anything, Robin, Whitey....you too. See you all Friday

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Its always sad to hear when good folks like those here at OR lose someone so close. We know our lives are better for having known someone like Jeff. While I myself did not, many of my friends here did, and for that my heart goes out to them, as well as Jeff's family. Though his loss looms large, it sounds that his impact on life was much, much greater, and that the memories he has left behind would far outweigh the sadness of his passing. I will hope and pray for all touched by him that this is the case.

Godspeed, Jeff. May I get to meet you on the other side.

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I just want to thank everyone for the comments, they really mean alot. Those of you who knew my dad should know that he is no longer in any pain. I also want to thank everyone who made it out to his benefit a couple years ago. Riding motorcycles was what my dad lived for. If you had a chance to ride or be around bikes with him then you were with him when he was the happiest. I wouldn't be a rider if it wasnt for my dad, We wouldn't have met any of you if we didnt ride. So with that a huge thanks goes out to my dad. Thank you again for all the comments, and thanks to this web site for a chance to see some pics of him and all that people have said in rememberance of him.

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Justin also informed me that his Dad's middle name was Lynn. We named our baby girl, Madison Lynn. I don't believe in coincidences, i think we have ourselves a guardian angel.

Very cool man! Funny how things work like that.

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