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valve stems re-adjusted


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Today I had someone like at my bike regarding the ripping/tearing sound that I had mentioned in a thread a few days ago. Based on his knowledge he was positive that it was my stem valves. He told me that I need my valve stems re-adjusted. Has anyone else had this problem or needed this fixed in the past? What should I expect to have it fixed? I believe that my year warranty is expired so I cant rely on that. icon9.gif

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What year/make/miles? What kind of oil do u run? Describe the sound better? Can u record it and post it? If u do need a valve job there are many many places u can take it. 35 motorsports is a great place to call. I bet there are some local places too that can do it for not too much? If u were in cinci or close i got a great place to go.

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in the future, consider just updating your original thread and not making a new thread. otherwise, you'll need to start using the trophy emoticon moarr.

getting your valves checked (much less, adjusted) is bit expensive of a fix, especially for such a new bike. have you posted up on the kawi forums to see if their tech forum can help you?

does it make that ripping/tearing noise in all gears? please don't find out if the sound occurs in 6th gear, but does it happen in 1st and 2nd (maybe 3rd and 4th if you're at the track) consistently?

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