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Well I'm officially with out a bike. :-( I unfortunately have been told by the state I am not medically fit to ride one. I am still hoping to be at all the events and participate on here a lot more. I hope some time next year to pick up a liter bike of Italian make. Hehe... Wear your gear it will protect you and save you from life long scars. I can vouch for this fact! I sold the shadow bobber for $1500 today to a friend with mostly new parts and brand new parts. Well get out and ride you fools and have some fun!!

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Flounder I'm on workers comp and that's how they can sorta deligate what I can and can't do. the only reason I was aloud to ride last summer was that the bike was my only mode of transport but now I have a car so no more bikes.

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Flounder I'm on workers comp and that's how they can sorta deligate what I can and can't do. the only reason I was aloud to ride last summer was that the bike was my only mode of transport but now I have a car so no more bikes.

Gotcha.. that makes sense then. If youre on workers comp, depending on the reason for it, I can understand.

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Sooo.. You're only locked out of bikes while on WC? Does this mean there's hope for you at a later time? Play along with them while you have to, then get a bike first chance you get. Riding a bike (for transportation, general cruisung) doesn't take THAT much more physical ability than driving a car (unless you're tearin up the twisties) so it shouldn't be an issue, but they make the rules.

I understand if you don't, or just can't respond to the questions I pose, I just thought maybe there's hope for the future!

Hope to see you out at some of the events, anyway. I never officially met you, but I saw you at a couple events that I went to.

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Would they let you have a trike?

if he rolled a semi, I'm not sure a trike would be stable enough ;)

just messing around man - tough break, but at least you'll be able to get back on two wheels in the future. Some guy on the NESBA board was told he can't ride because he might have a seizure as a result of a previous crash injury. I think he's gone over a year without having one, but they're still saying no bike.

how long until you're supposed to go back to work?

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Workers comp is saying the risk factor is to great plus my injuries might be aggrivated by the riding of a motorcycle. I wouldn't be cought dead on a sissy machine trike unless I couldn't have use of my legs. They're saying about a year before I'm cleared to get back to work and i've already been off about a year.:-(

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