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Holy Crap! Well, sort of...


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someone Paid $2,830 for a pair of bottled ghosts...:eek:

WTF do they think this is? the Legend of Zelda?



Captured ghosts from our house

Captured by an exorsist from a spiritualist church

one spirit we believe is a man by the name of Les Graham, managed to track down a photo. He died in the house in the 1920's.

Exorsist believes this spirit likes to make himself known and spook people. but he is not a very strong spirit.

The other spirit came from when me and my partner stupidly did an Oujia Board. We believe it is a little girl who likes to move things and turn things on and off. Exorsist says she is VERY strong and if left will get stronger.

We have had no activity since they were bottled on July 15th 2009 . So i believe they are in the bottles.

They are bottled with holy water as aparantly the water dulls the spirits energy, sort of puts them to sleep.

To revive the spirit, i have been told that you pour into a little dish and let it evaporate into your house.

I just want to get rid of them as they scare me. But someone might like these to play with.

So if you like ghosts, heres two real ones!

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Just three rules:

1.Keep them away from bright light

2. Dont let them touch water

3. Never feed them after midnight

Oh, wait those are the rules for Gremlins.

and women you want to hook up with but don't want them to become a girlfriend :D

I guess that only makes sense if you watch How I Met Your Mother

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