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Little update on me...


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So, big life changes, mostly for the better for me :D

Well, I'm bikeless. Miss a payment by 4 days and GE more than doubled my interest rate to 37%, after paying double payments for 2 years and still owing more than I thought I bought the bike for (I bought it for $7400, they said I still owed them $8900 2 years later) I told them to shove it and quit paying, they repo'd it a month or so ago, and in all likely hood I'll probably have to file bankruptcy over this BS.

BUT! The great news is my girl is preggers :D We've got a son on the way due May 30th. This is great news for me I've wanted kids for a few years now and we're both really excited :D It's a boy, Trapper II, the poor guy's getting named after me :lol:

I'll probably pick up a SuMo next summer, the boy's due mid summer and I know I won't have the time to ride this year but I'll be back next year, the bikes are buzzing by and already got the itch :D

Oh well, Thats about it.

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congrats on the little one... we'll miss ya this year at the DTC runs

He never made any DTC runs last year anyways.... Or the rest of '08 for that matter ;)

Ditto on the kiddo

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