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Health Care Passes... We are all screwed.O


If put to a public vote, would you vote for the healthcare bill as it is written?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. If put to a public vote, would you vote for the healthcare bill as it is written?

    • Yes
    • No

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Dear Employees:

As the CEO of this organization, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barrack Obama is our President and that our taxes and government fees will increase in a BIG way..

To compensate for these increases, our prices would have to increase by about 10%. But since we cannot increase our prices right now due to the dismal state of the economy, we will have to lay off sixty of our employees instead.

This has really been bothering me since I believe we are family here and I didn't know how to choose who would have to go.

So, this is what I did. I walked through our parking lots and found sixty 'Obama' bumper stickers on our employees' cars and have decided these folks will be the ones to let go. I can't think of a more fair way to approach this problem. They voted for change...... I gave it to them.

I will see the rest of you at the annual company picnic.



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:lol: @ Jeremi

And if I understand IP's statement, this healthcare bill would be legal if they didn't fine anyone and just decided to tax everyone? Instead of 'old people welfare' like Medicare, we'll call it "fat, lazy, American tax". Or the "Cheetos luxury tax".

I'm just trying to figure out ways this wouldn't violate the Constitution, and that would be a way, correct?

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Honestly' date=' I think it is all a big waste of time because almost every state in the union is flat busted. The FedGov passed that fancy RFID thingy a few years back and we don't have that. They said the states have to pay for it and the states said, "We don't haz teh moneez" and, well... I have yet to see one.[/quote']

I think the "fancy RFID thingy" you're referring to is the Real ID, which was basically DOA from the start. Interesting that any passport issued in the last year or so all have RFID in them.

I think the fine is going to get challenged in court (rightly so) and it's (hopefully) going to get smacked down with the quickness. That said, it will be interesting to see what happens to Big Health once their antitrust provisions are gone and regulation sets in.

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you get out of here with your onion news network fabrications, this bill is what the american people want! :mad:

on a related note, did you see Harry Reid's favorability rating was 8% and nancy pelosi's is 11% while congress hovers at 16% overall... great work

hahaha, I don't do Onion news...

Search the Google or Yahoo news feeds...

for the states vs fed on health care

btw, I heard someone say the HSAs are dead now.

that's not true. OTC purchases with HSA will be dropped.

Which were probably abused anyway.

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yea, it's been going around. And I know IP preaches the States rights vs. Federal rights (States have power to do anything that the Feds aren't explicitly written to do in the Constitution). But, you also have Fed law trumping State law. So you can argue that to you're blue in the face, but regarding health care... what grounds to the states have? I guess my question is, what's the difference between this and Medicare/Medicaid? You're forced to pay for that, and I've been since I started in the workforce... if that's legal (or if it's not, we've had decades to challenge it, and it's still successfully in place), why isn't this healthcare bill?

crap, don't ask me, I don't know, dude...

You're arguing with yourself again, JRMMiii


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maybe my understanding of this bill is flawed (as I have not read all 2400 pages), but I was under the impression that the "law" requires individuals to have healthcare coverage. either that provided via a third party, or the Feds. Is this not correct and the FEDS are now saying it's Fed Med or else?

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for all you bleeding heart liberals... (all three or four of you on this website) I encourage you to spend a day in my job and you can see what all your tax dollars go to. I sell tobacco for a wholesale distributor to convenience stores and gas stations. Unfortunately the stores that bring in the most revenue are in the shittiest of areas. That being said, everyday I see welfare money/social security checks spent on booze and smokes. The money spent on smokes is bitter sweet because at least their buying my product so indirectly its helping me. The rest of their money gets spent on candy, mtn dew and the lottery (also somewhat bittersweet because at least some of their money goes back to the state). I'm totally serious when I say this, but in west dayton a few months ago, there was a couple with their kids in a convenience store and told them it was too early for candy when they asked for "now n laters" (it was 9 a.m.) all the while the parents were buying two 40 oz of schlitz. So as much as you'd like to say healthcare is helping all these poor people who can't get coverage... My bias (because i'm exposed to this side of it everyday) shows me its just another handout to the worthless fucks that buy a 40 oz of schlitz and a blunt before 9 a.m. and could care less about being productive members of society, and are looking for a sperm donor at any given moment to increase their paycheck from the gubment.

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maybe my understanding of this bill is flawed (as I have not read all 2400 pages), but I was under the impression that the "law" requires individuals to have healthcare coverage. either that provided via a third party, or the Feds. Is this not correct and the FEDS are now saying it's Fed Med or else?

ther is a clause in there that allows penalties (in the form of fines) for people who don't have a qualifying health coverage plan.

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I think you're confusing a 'bleeding heart' with 'economics'. There's a myriad of reasons why this bill is a good thing, and many of them have nothing to do with 'caring about the poor' and more about cost effectiveness. But, apparently it's not good enough for some to just appreciate the lifestyle they lead and the things they have that they have to look down upon the poor, uneducated, miserable lives others' choose to lead. Ignorance is bliss after all, and if they don't realize how sad their existences are and are happy with them - more power to them. I mean, there's always going to be a pecking order in life, and someone has to end up on the bottom right? If they're happy there, what's it matter to me? Nothing I can do other than give them the opportunity to help themselves if they want to.

I don't really deal with the welfare crowd regularly, but it makes me feel better that those people you're talking about are getting some of their money taken from them and put towards something more responsible - if not for them, for their plethora of kids. These are exactly the type of people who need choices taken away from them because the choices they make cost ALL OF US in the long term. (And that statement just killed any chance I have at holding any political office for my lifetime, especially taken out of context). Granted, everyone has their own story, excuse, reason, tragedy, whatever that explains why they are the way they are so it's wrong to group individuals into being 'those people', but realistically, 'those people' exist and are an economic burden on the system.

The issue is, these poor people that you're referring to, dmagicglock, are getting health care regardless, and we're still all paying for them in the exorbitant fees hospitals have to charge the people who do have insurance to cover the cost of those that stiff them on the bills. So, these people should ante up SOMETHING, and because they won't - the gov't is finally forcing the issue on them. I'm not really concerned about them drinking and smoking themselves to death because they can't get their 'fix' in a hospital bed, so they'll insist they be discharged ASAP and end up killing themselves because of the unhealthy choices they make anyway.

I'm just on a bitter rant now. I need to stop...

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i disagree with the bill for a million reasons other than people who can't help themselves, but thats my point exactly... the government is an "enabler" for people who choose not to better their situation. It only enables them to continue to be a drain on society. Its like if you took an animal out of the wild to rehabilitate it in a zoo or something... leave it in the zoo too long and it becomes so dependent on not providing for itself that it can never be reintroduced to the wild. It's almost the same thing with the government and people who require government assistance.

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Ohh yea, I remember why I'm bitter... I read this article (Reppin' Columbus Ohioans :nono:) Stay classy Columbus.


But didn't seek out the videos because I didn't feel like wanting to smack a baby holding a puppy with a flaming baseball bat. Then one of my buddies actually sent me links to the videos. Sad how despicable people are. It's one thing to think it, it's another to say it, and then there's this...


Did I mention the guy is a former Nuclear Engineer with 2 Masters degrees? Not some low-life mooching off the system.


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First I'm not a smoker anymore. Second, if I was I wouldn't smoke something as shitty as Newports and lastly I never claimed I've read the entire thing.

newports was more or less a reference to the brand that is popularly smoked by those who receive the handouts already. That being said, the thing that drives me nuts about your guys' argument is ... "oh he disagrees with me, he must not be intelligent enough to have read the bill" It is so narcissistic of people like pelosi, and reid, you and Justin to assume that you know whats best for the American people and that trumps public sentiment. Fuck our constituents, we're going to vote along party lines. And what confuses me most is the same people that were bitching about George W. stomping on the constitution with the Patriot Act are looking the other way and keeping their mouths shuts when it comes to Healthcare and expanding our government. "OH bush is listening to our phone calls" But we'd love for Obama to have executive power to control the internet.

I'm reminded of Sadaam Huessein's press secretary, who even when we were invading baghdad and you could see our soldiers in the background... he would proclaim how they were going to destroy the U.S. Liberals are so delusional about this. The writing is on the wall that our country is headed to the shitter and if it collapsed tomorrow, you all would say... oh grab your tin foil hat the sky is falling (but only mean it as sarcasm and call me the crazy person). I'm not looking to change your views, you're always going to feel that way and I'm not looking to win over "hearts and minds". I'm just venting. And so as a peace offering, I give you this video to enjoy for the night. Cheers.


Edited by dmagicglock
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But didn't seek out the videos because I didn't feel like wanting to smack a baby holding a puppy with a flaming baseball bat. Then one of my buddies actually sent me links to the videos. Sad how despicable people are. It's one thing to think it, it's another to say it, and then there's this...

do you have the video of the SLEIU member biting the finger off a veteran protesting healthcare at a town hall? It goes both ways...

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yes!!! good it passed!!!!

maybe now we will get to see the progress of stem cell research too.

of course everything in the Health care bill that is terrible ideas are the ones republicans put in it. like making you buy it if you don't have insurance already.

(yes this is a fact, look it up, the republicans put that in there)

why would they do this? it's simple, so they can say see.....look how terrible this thing is...now they've got people eating out of their dirty hands.

Edited by serpentracer
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The guy was assaulted - he was punched. Biting the man's thumb was an act of retaliation/self-defense - odd way to retaliate, but stranger things have happened. So, who started it? Try again.


A man from Moveon.orgs area then walked over to the opponents and verbally confronted Rice, allegedly calling him names and acting aggressively, Bonfiglio said.

Rice later told investigators he felt threatened by the man and punched him in the nose, Bonfiglio said.

The punch set off a fist fight between the two men, during which the tip of Rices left pinky finger was bitten off, Bonfiglio said.

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The fact you think there are handouts involved like it's some sort of welfare program is what gives you away. No one said or thinks you aren't intelligent, I just said you don't know what's in the bill. Feel free to keep posting crap like that though and you may change my mind.

I like the way you (and a bunch of others here) like to stereotype or pigeon hole someone onto some category without bothering to read what's being said amuses me. BTW I voted no in this poll. I bet that just boggles your mind.

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The fact you think there are handouts involved like it's some sort of welfare program is what gives you away. No one said or thinks you aren't intelligent, I just said you don't know what's in the bill. Feel free to keep posting crap like that though and you may change my mind.

I like the way you (and a bunch of others here) like to stereotype or pigeon hole someone onto some category without bothering to read what's being said amuses me. BTW I voted no in this poll. I bet that just boggles your mind.

probably because you prefer a complete public option, the same way many of the democrats weren't on board when they were trying to get it through the first time.

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