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Health Care Passes... We are all screwed.O


If put to a public vote, would you vote for the healthcare bill as it is written?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. If put to a public vote, would you vote for the healthcare bill as it is written?

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The only reason the Mexican manufacturing was able to maintain any quality was because they were using US tooling. Once the ability to purchase quality US tooling is gone quality will become an issue again. You can get quality tooling from overseas but you have to have the stateside engineering to follow up, you can't give them free rein over engineering decisions. Garbage in garbage out. The Chinese will give you what you are asking for weather it's what you really need or not. You can't cut cost across the board and expect quality to be maintained. You need someone with experience to guide the process.

Very true. This was why the processes came back to domestic ops (as it was explained to me...I was not with the organization at that time).

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Sure' date=' because we all know those diligent government employees crack down on folks that roll without coverage. More spending, more waste, more bullshit.[/quote']

They don't? :confused: Do you know people that've been caught without insurance and gotten away without penalty?

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I've heard most physicians will quit practicing medicine and take up selling Amway.:D I can't wait to see if our company premiums go up the usual 2~3X the inflation rate...while we have to lower our prices to stay competetive.

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Holy shiat! I just ran home on lunch and when I walked in I found Barack HUSSEIN Obama himself forcing my wife to have her third abortion today, Joe "Momma" Biden informed me our parents on both sides have just been death paneled and Nancy "WTF" Pelosi was forcing our dogs to gay marry!


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Yeah.. me' date=' when I was younger. I was pulled over for speeding, officer asked me for my DL, registration and proof of insurance. I lied and said I left my card on my dresser, or something like that, and he let me go... WITH A WARNING.

Now, I was a lot younger then and very irresponsible. I never thought about what I did or stopped to evaluate the effects of my actions. I also voted Democrat...

Bottom line: Only the law abiding will obey the law. Forcing everyone to have insurance is a waste of time and tax dollars.[/quote']

Wait so the cop was in the wrong for taking you at your word!??!

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Not getting involved in the discussion, but I thought I'd post this up. Excellent article from Reuters explaining exactly what's going to be in the bill. No partisan bullshits, no talking points, no strawman analogies to some obscure country's health care. Just the US bill.


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Yeah.. me' date=' when I was younger. I was pulled over for speeding, officer asked me for my DL, registration and proof of insurance. I lied and said I left my card on my dresser, or something like that, and he let me go... WITH A WARNING.[/quote']

So, you're pissed that someone might catch a break, like you did, every once in awhile? Seriously? You think they should've came down with an iron fist so you got the point that this is America and laws need to be enforced?


I've been pulled over and unable to prove I was insured even though I was. The cop took me at my word - the only indication he had I was insured was my Progressive key fob.

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"Healthcare bill is cool....they will take money at the new healthcare ATMs...you put in dollar bills and you will get healthcare bills.....if you put $100.00 (washington bill) then you get 1000.00 worth "healthcare bill"(obama bill) if you put 1000.00 then you get 100.00 in "healthcare bill" take that or fuck off"


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"Healthcare bill is cool....they will take money at the new healthcare ATMs...you put in dollar bills and you will get healthcare bills.....if you put $100.00 (washington bill) then you get 1000.00 worth "healthcare bill"(obama bill) if you put 1000.00 then you get 100.00 in "healthcare bill" take that or fuck off"


Listen you fucking foreigner stay out of our bitch session or we will send you back home to your healthcare system. (Or the Carolinas)

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"Healthcare bill is cool....they will take money at the new healthcare ATMs...you put in dollar bills and you will get healthcare bills.....if you put $100.00 (washington bill) then you get 1000.00 worth "healthcare bill"(obama bill) if you put 1000.00 then you get 100.00 in "healthcare bill" take that or fuck off"


This is seriously how a lot of wharrgarbl'ers sound. I've heard strawman comparisons from Brazil's system ("they have 2 free elective surgeries per year? That's going to bankrupt us!"), to Uncle Punk's fat people/exercise/traffic tickets.

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We were both in the wrong' date=' but I was illustrating how making something illegal only works if that law is enforced.


It makes you in the wrong, but I'm not sure you can put blame on the cop for taking you at your word. Even if you're ticketed and don't have insurance on you at the time you can provide proof after the fact that you were covered at the time of being ticketed. If he intended to just give you a warning there would be no point in that if you didn't give him a reason to disbelieve you.

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Among developed countries, the United States has the 10th highest death rate among cancer patients, higher than Spain and Sweden.

Prostate cancer has the highest fatality rate, not breast cancer. If you have a double breast-ectimy (scientific term) you can have new ones installed that will be bigger and no doubt better than your originals. Not the same for prostate cancer or colorectal. So please no more bullshit about breast cancer!

For the record, I am a cancer survivor and my particular cancer is not common in folks under 60. I got tagged with it at 30 which went misdiagnosed for three years by 4 different doctors in the "free choice" healthcare system, and damn near killed me. In my oncologist's words, "If there was such a thing as stage 3.5 cancer, you have it. It's good bit worse than stage three, but not quite stage four". (there are only 4 stages of cancer, and stage 4 is a death sentence for 95%)

Our current healthcare system is also the reason my wife's mother lost her battle with her misdiagnosed cancer, which wasn't breast cancer either.

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My foot's killin' me today. Just tried to use my newly force fed.... errmmm... I mean "passed" government insurance to schedule an appt, and got my Dr's VM several hours ago. Still haven't heard back from him

Go figure... It's obviously starting already

Probably get me in about 6 months from now

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Among developed countries, the United States has the 10th highest death rate among cancer patients, higher than Spain and Sweden.

Prostate cancer has the highest fatality rate, not breast cancer. If you have a double breast-ectimy (scientific term) you can have new ones installed that will be bigger and no doubt better than your originals. Not the same for prostate cancer or colorectal. So please no more bullshit about breast cancer!

For the record, I am a cancer survivor and my particular cancer is not common in folks under 60. I got tagged with it at 30 which went misdiagnosed for three years by 4 different doctors in the "free choice" healthcare system, and damn near killed me. In my oncologist's words, "If there was such a thing as stage 3.5 cancer, you have it. It's good bit worse than stage three, but not quite stage four". (there are only 4 stages of cancer, and stage 4 is a death sentence for 95%)

Our current healthcare system is also the reason my wife's mother lost her battle with her misdiagnosed cancer, which wasn't breast cancer either.

Not quite sure how to take this. I understand comeptely the problem with misdiagnosis. Have seen it affect many members of my family. To this point this year, I have buried an uncle and cousin taken by cancer, and received a phone call from my mom last week to tell me another cousin was diagnosed as having stage 4 of the cancer that took my uncle, and my aunt two years ago. (FWIW, my mother's side of the family is faily large, as she's the youngest of 9.) So I have great disdain for the disease that has stricken you, and sincerely hope and pray that you find or have found the path to kick its ass and live a rich, full life. But I don't get the breast cancer commment. Being the son of a survivor of that diesase, I take it very seriously and close to home. And I could give two shits about what sort of replacements you would get if afflicted with it, and I can't think of too many women that would think that in the wake of a life threatening disease that all they want back is a great rack. What I think is important is that yes, there have been greater strides in the prevention and decrease in the mortality rate of breast cancer patients. That would be a good thing. We just hope and pray that the effort put forth in the research of the other forms of the disease reaps the same benefits that have been discovered for breast cancer. And for many, its a good bet that they won't see those advances in their lifetime. But that doesn't meant that those dioagnosed with a more tratable form don't deserve the same respect as those with a different form of this terrible disease.

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Among developed countries, the United States has the 10th highest death rate among cancer patients, higher than Spain and Sweden.

and you're convinced that those stats are because we have shitty healthcare?

I'm not saying you're wrong, but there are a ton of environmental and societal factors that could easily be to blame as well.

the average american treats their body like shit. We eat garbage, don't exercise, and then wonder why we get sick? ...come on

I can't conclusively say that our healthcare system isn't to blame, but you can't conclusively say that it IS either.

the bill passed. I wish it hadn't, but now we're all going to see who was right. I really hope I'm wrong and it works out great, but I don't believe it will.

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If you have a double breast-ectimy (scientific term) you can have new ones installed that will be bigger and no doubt better than your originals. Not the same for prostate cancer or colorectal. So please no more bullshit about breast cancer!

I never thought of the advantages of having cancer until now. (not that I have it) With testicular cancer, I could go into porn with some huge replacements. :rolleyes::popcorn:

I guess I need to drink more city water. Fluoride Myths

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This brings up another issue with government healthcare. What is the incentive for research when the government will regulate your compensation for developing a new product that can cure a disease?

and if the government manages to profit from treating certain diseases, where's their incentive to cure them?

Turning Uncle Sam into a controlling force (rather than one providing incentives) gives them a clear conflict of interest.

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and if the government manages to profit from treating certain diseases, where's their incentive to cure them?

Turning Uncle Sam into a controlling force (rather than one providing incentives) gives them a clear conflict of interest.

oooooh, it's starting again... :) I just don't have enough popcorn.

Seriously, can anyone back up these opinions, or is everyone "just asking questions?"

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