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web server questions


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any EASY software to run an http server off my home system? I realize i will have to use a dnydns service for redirecting and IP updating but im pretty dumb with this shit..

i want to run a web sever behind my router and columbus time warner....i can use a service for IP redirecting but the server end of it is confusing for me...and www sites or help in this matter is much appreciated

can i run a forum the same way??



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Just use IIS and get it over with. What I always used behind my cable modem. Sucks w/out static though. I never knew it changed until I got here and could not hit FTP/http. Easy correction with that program though.

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Just use IIS and get it over with. What I always used behind my cable modem. Sucks w/out static though. I never knew it changed until I got here and could not hit FTP/http. Easy correction with that program though.

Don't use IIS. It sucks. Use Apache.

Are you using Windows? If so, download the install here:


I sent you a PM.

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Don't use IIS. It sucks. Use Apache.

Are you using Windows? If so, download the install here:


I sent you a PM.

replied the pm........

yea apache was the system recommended by allot....as stated in the pm, just playin for the phun of it ;) ...get it??? PHun?? phising lol lol i thought that was funny :)....i may be a bit scared about opening port 80 on my router though :(

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well i dont know what that isl

DMZ is a networking term that comes from the military term "demilitarized zone." DMZ refers to an area of a network, usually between two firewalls, where users from the Internet are permitted limited access over a defined set of network ports and to predefined servers or hosts. A DMZ is used as a boundary between the Internet and a company's internal network. The network DMZ is the only place on a corporate network where Internet users and internal users are allowed at the same time

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...yea....i was looking it up RIGHT after i posted that......very interesting actually....this shit is deep, not gonna happen overnight, i have to ABSORB IT, makes sense to me though...i will have to BUY another copy of xp pro then too!!!! i have the legal copy on my system, and a "backup" on the one i want in the DMZ (for security - patches)........so thats one vote for take it slow....

...i actually was thinking i will (at first) just end up with a http ftp for downloading files and shit.....i got it to work while playing with a http writer (i DONT write code damnit...wysiwyg baby!!!!!!)...

thanks for the help too...i think the dmz is the way to go, i just wanna get a more secure copy of windows on the machine im gonna use for the server :)

...man im all over the place...must be 420!!!!!! damn, rothlisberger got hurt!!!!

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...the server is gonna wait...more than i though...need new OS software...maybe run linus instead...need to research a BUNCH before my dumbass will make it secure still...i get the DMZ thing exactely, but just want to make it secure before hand :)

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.need new OS software...maybe run linus instead...

Linus is a guy... Linux is an OS. Linus Torvalds wrote the first Linux Kernal and is considered the creator.

Linus and Linux are not interchangeable like some system terms. You will love Linux once you get the hang of it. It is extremely powerful but at the same time, you open yourself up to allot of security risks if you do not know how to properly secure the system.

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