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Lasik Eye Surgery


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The feeling of being able to swim..and SEE at the same time...

being able to wake up and immediately be able to see without reaching for glasses or contacts (think self defense here)....

I could go on and on. It was the best money I ever spent. One word of caution...

If they give you Valium before hand, make sure it kicks in before you let them slice your eyeballs up. You'll thank me later.

Ya...DON'T forget to take the valium..It takes the edge off when they slice your eyeball with some sort of suctioned on cigar cutter and then all goes black or vice versa...There is a nurse there just to comfort you..I hurt her hand I was squeezing so hard when they went to cut the second eye.

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The slicer wasn't that painfull but it was the noise it made. Like slicing cardboard with a razor blade...then the smell of the burning eyeball when the laser did it's shaping under the flap...Kinda sucked.

sounds like the laser is the way to go.

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Yes, it's a very odd smell. All your senses are at high alert and it's wierd when you realize what your smelling. Reminded me of the smell of burning raccoon on a camp fire but that's not a good example for most.

When are you getting it done?

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Yes, it's a very odd smell. All your senses are at high alert and it's wierd when you realize what your smelling. Reminded me of the smell of burning raccoon on a camp fire but that's not a good example for most.

You know that smell well dont ya.


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Well... I am a 'candidate' and they answered all my questions. They said they've never had a patient come out with vision worse than when they came.

OTOH, it's expensive. And my prescription has changed A LOT more over just last year than it has previously - last year was the first year I started wearing contacts too. Though even with this change, I'm within their normal operating window.

I asked how much they actually burn/shave (for lack of better terms) off the cornea. Apparently I have 531 'units'. 100 or so of that is the flap - so I'm down to about 431 of workable eye goo, then they take around 90-95 on top of that. So around 20% of your cornea. They say about 250 units is the limit on what you need on the cornea (no less than 250) - so I'll end up around the 340 unit range.

Subsequent surgeries, if necessary, aren't as drastic and usually will be in the 15-30 unit range. So, take that FWIW.

If I choose to get it done, it'll be late April. FYI, you have to get a $90 prescription (what the lady told me it would cost if you don't have a prescription plan -- I personally haven't costed it at a Pharmacy yet) filled prior to the surgery, so that's an additional hidden cost that most people aren't aware of going in.

how expensive damn it ur fired some of us 4 eyed people want to know :wheelchair:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well... it's done. Had it around 4PM today.

Vision is still slightly cloudy, my eyes hurt a bit, and I have to wear the kickass sunglasses (think grandma's driving glasses)... but I do have better vision than when I went in there.

Edited by JRMMiii
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Nah, I'm joking. I'm fine. The worst part is over (the initial wakeup afterwards - yes, my eyes burned and felt like they had sand in them, it's best to get that Pred Forte anti-inflammatory drug in ASAP, that calmed everything down)... today I was able to drive myself to the followup appt. and run errands all this morning. No issues.

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if anyone's still on the fence about this, my wife had it done on Friday. She complained that I didn't ask her if she was ok, but other than the foul mood, she's been 100% fine.

the little plastic eye shields you have to wear at night are kind of creepy, but those are gone now (3 days later). Beyond that, she's just supposed to use drops I think, to make sure her eyes stay moist.

"a little glowing around the TV" and "sensitivity to florescent lights" are the only side-effects thus far. You're expected to have 'adjustments' in vision for the first 7 days while your eyes heal.

so far, she seems really happy with it.

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