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Florida doctor tells Obama supporters: Go elsewhere


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If I am ever in Florida, I'm going to this doctor.

If I am ever in Florida, I'm going to leave him a top decker. But I'm like that on vacations, so it's nothing personal.

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If I am ever in Florida, I'm going to this doctor.

Hmm.. I wonder if this would work for other businesses. Maybe a tackle shop? If you voted for Obama, our worms and minnows won't work for you.

It would be news worthy, so it'd get free advertisement.

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This isn't really shocking. Get more than 10 or 15 miles outside of one of the major cities, and Florida's basically Alabama with more sunshine and better PR.

Given where this doctor is practicing, posting that sign is about like Mayhem saying they don't want christians to attend their concerts. It's not exactly a bold move, and it's not going to harm his business at all.

/meh :p

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I'd be pissed too if my insurance fraud racket money I had going was about to go from a raging rapid to a small trickle.

LMAO......... sure....... more government involvement = less fraud..........

Nobody cheats the government........... :lol:

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Imagine that :rolleyes:

But perhaps the most important coverage was an interview between Cassell and Alan Colmes on the radio Friday night. The host tried to get a better sense of why, exactly, Cassell hates the Affordable Care Act so much. The urologist specifically argued that officials, in light of the new law, are "cutting all supportive care, like nursing homes, ambulance services."

Colmes: What do you mean they're cutting nursing homes?

Cassell: They're cutting nursing home reimbursements.

Colmes: Isn't what they're cutting under the Medicare plan what was really double dipping; they were getting credits and they were getting to deduct them at the same time.

Cassell: Well you know,
I can't tell you exactly what the deal is
. [emphasis added]

Colmes: If you can't tell us exactly what the deal is, why are you opposing it and fighting against it?

What a good question. Cassell struggled to explain himself, saying he'd seen some things "online," and adding that the information he needs to understand the law "should be available to me."

Of course, the information is available to him, and has been for months. Cassell chose not to do his homework before driving patients away -- patients who, it turns out, may know a lot more than he does about the law he claims to hate.

This is painfully common -- some of the loudest, angriest critics of the Affordable Care Act are also some of the least informed, most confused, embarrassingly ignorant observers anywhere. In this case, Cassell has become a national joke because he's repulsed by a health care reform plan that he fully admits he doesn't understand.

It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

Post Script: For the record, Cassell's rhetoric about "cutting nursing homes" notwithstanding, the National Association of Home Care and Hospice praised the Democratic plan.

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Another piece that makes this amusing


Cassell told the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday he wasn't questioning patients or refusing care, because that would be unethical.

"But if they read the sign and turn the other way, so be it," he said.

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