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my dog hates me


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So, I'm sitting in my bedroom playing on the internet. This site, specifically. My dog takes it upon herself to get up from her nap downstairs, waddle her butt upstairs to my room, sat down, burped in my face, stands up, farted, then walked out of the room, and back downstairs. WTF?

I love this dog, but English bulldogs are the nastiest dogs ever.

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Don't people be hatin' on me for knowing this...

Female wolves regurgitate food for the pups.

Your dog just considers you part of the primary pack.

A bit strange, you're not a pup, but maybe she just thinks you are hungry.

My female Shepard used to do that also, walk over to belch at me...

It's a friendly gesture for a dog, what can I say...

Always look on the bright side, at least she didn't barf something up for you to eat.

edit: Dogs don't normally fart, I suspect her diet isn't quite right.

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Don't people be hatin' on me for knowing this...

Female wolves regurgitate food for the pups.

Your dog just considers you part of the primary pack.

A bit strange, you're not a pup, but maybe she just thinks you are hungry.

My female Shepard used to do that also, walk over to belch at me...

It's a friendly gesture for a dog, what can I say...

Always look on the bright side, at least she didn't barf something up for you to eat.

edit: Dogs don't normally fart, I suspect her diet isn't quite right.

I'm not quite appreciative, though. I'm glad she didn't bark, though.

As for the farting, English bulldogs are well known for their gassy asses. :)

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edit: Dogs don't normally fart, I suspect her diet isn't quite right.

My dog farts all the time....then looks at me like nothing just happened. Her diet consists of dog food and random feral cat shit she finds in the yard.

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RFFTW=rottweilers fart for the win! When I was a teen my mom work at a Chinese restaraunt, she would give our rotts left overs. Then it was over. Clear House. Reminded me of Swat team going after a criminal.

My Rottie is the same way without the Chinese diet.

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