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Need help with my girlfriend


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here's another strategy: take another female(s) for a ride and make sure she's aware of it. repeat until she gets jealous. i took my roommate's gf for a ride and now my gf's begging me to take her out. i suppose you could get some super testicles and try taking an ex for a ride, that would magnify the jealousy effect about 1,000-fold.

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Well I know what your going through it took a lot of convincing to get my gf on my CBR after I traded my cruiser in on her birthday. (shes still angry bout that). You just gotta convince her you will take it easy and ease her into it.

3 miles longest distance why did you stop that soon. Sounds like she's not too into your riding hobby. My girl friend feels nervous about riding but now she's a champ on the bike. When we go to the Monday bike night we ride 42 miles each way. That's an average ride for us I don't know where everyone gets the idea that you can't ride 2-up on a sport bike.

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The first night I met my current g/f, she asked me why I didn't get a bike that was more "passenger friendly". I just replied "don't knock it till you try it". She's gone on a few rides with me so far, and is hooked. We did 5 hours last week, and she was bummed when I decided to head back to the house. I'm also teaching her to ride the twinstar. She's only had 1 lesson so far (clutch control) but she's progressing very well, and rides it just fine in first gear around the yard.

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  Ms. J said:
This is going to sound so lame, but my advice is always just make a girl feel special and she will do anything for you. Tell her NICELY that you want her to ride with you because it is something you really enjoy and you REALLY want to share that with her...blah, blah, blah...(The blah, blah, blah is key here :D ). Make it about her and she will give it a chance GUARANTEED!

^ This is awful advice!

Never let the bitch get the upper hand. And NEVER make her think you care about her for more than her female parts and her willingness to let you play with them! :mad:

  mar10w6 said:
Well I know what your going through it took a lot of convincing to get my gf on my CBR after I traded my cruiser in on her birthday. (shes still angry bout that). You just gotta convince her you will take it easy and ease her into it.

3 miles longest distance why did you stop that soon. Sounds like she's not too into your riding hobby. My girl friend feels nervous about riding but now she's a champ on the bike. When we go to the Monday bike night we ride 42 miles each way. That's an average ride for us I don't know where everyone gets the idea that you can't ride 2-up on a sport bike.


My girlfriend was kinda nervous the first time she hopped on back, but ever since she's always asking me to take the bike when we go out.

So far, as long as its not raining and the roads aren't wet she'll ride with me, regardless of even the temp (she has no problem with a 45 minute long highway ride in high 30 degree weather....

So.... Get her a bike that she'll ride regularly.... or get rid of HER! :D

Edited by JaysonL
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  Ms. J said:
This is going to sound so lame, Get her drunk. she will do anything for you. Tell her NICELY that you want her to ride with you because it is something you really enjoy and you REALLY want to share that with her...blah, blah, blah...(The blah, blah, blah is key here :D ). Make it about her and she will give it a chance GUARANTEED!


thats what works

Edited by wht_scorpion
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  redrocket04 said:
I'm attempting once more (maybe twice) to get my girlfriend on the back of the cbr. If she doesn't go for it, I may have to think about getting a slightly more passenger friendly bike. I do love the cbr, way more than the Harley I had before it, but I'd rather have a bike that she's not scared to hop on the back of and ride to dinner. I guess at this point, it's just a matter of priorities, and having a bike we can both enjoy, however infrequently it may be, just kinda trumps a bike that I love, and she resents.

Any advice on convincing her that a cbr is just as comfortable for the 3 miles at a time that she rides? 3 miles isn't an exaggeration, either. Her longest ride on the Harley was about 5. She likes it, and has made many comments about how she misses it, but isn't comfortable on the cbr, even when it's not moving.

She comments the Harley the way most women do...... It's the things the Harley did for her..... lol Trust me go back to a Harley old school is better than a crotch rocket.

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  Doug said:
She comments the Harley the way most women do...... It's the things the Harley did for her..... lol Trust me go back to a Harley old school is better than a crotch rocket.

Sport Bike! The "crotch rocket" is in my pants

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It is 3 miles... big whoop, my wife felt the same way about seeing what others have done to themselves on a bike but all I did was drive totally different for her when she rides with me because I know when she isn't on the bike I can get on it whenever I want to take off hard. Take off's are extremely slow (which is a pain killer) and I have told her if she is uncomfortable just squeeze me harder and I will back off. Problem fixed, if she is afraid just because you have a CBR and not a Harley that is dumb. I mean come on a bike is a bike and you can wreck either one. Now I know you aren't going to be pulling wheelies with the harley but I doubt you were going to with the CBR so what is the difference. It is all in who the driver of the bike is, if you are one she can't trust to not do this shit then I can understand why she doesn't want to ride but if you don't she is crazy not to ride. She needs to trust you in order to enjoy it and by buying a harley she is no safer. Just my opinion.

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  Bad324 said:
my advice....well refer to RSVDon's avatar. It is something I adopted long ago and have been extremely pleased since

+1 !!!!!!! its great advice. I been single for the last 3 months and have had 10x more time & money to dump in my toys :D

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  warpspeed said:
+1 !!!!!!! its great advice. I been single for the last 3 months and have had 10x more time & money to dump in my toys :D

now add 5 years of being able to avoid serious relationships to that and you can imagine the amount of money I've dumped into my toys and how many I have added :D

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  Bad324 said:
now add 5 years of being able to avoid serious relationships to that and you can imagine the amount of money I've dumped into my toys and how many I have added :D

Avoiding?! .... let me fix that for you:

  Bad324 said:
now add 5 years of being unable to have a serious relationship...
  wht_scorpion said:
My girl dont like riding with me :cry: you drive to fast 10 miles over I m going to fast so I got her a bike.:sexytime:LoL


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  JaysonL said:
Avoiding?! .... let me fix that for you:


that is partially true, I'm only unable to because I don't tolerate a woman (let alone anyone) trying to control me, telling me what to do or changing me. I am what I am and if you don't like it go try to mold someone else because you clearly aren't going to win with me

I've "dated" plenty of chicks over the years but they don't make the cut of relationship material

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  Cypress said:
Sidecar? Doesn't that take all the fun out of riding a motorcycle? I mean if that's the case just go ahead and buy a Spyder instead.

side cars are fun of their own, especially when you are only using 2 of the 3 wheels, but I wouldn't rock one of my own. I have a friend who lets me ride theirs.

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I had a similar issue,My wiife would not ride on the ninja I had cause she felt unsafe,But she will ride on the back of the cruiser cause the back rest gives her the sense of security.. I have sense got rid of the ninja cause it just was not for me..

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As a female rider I don't exactly understand her hesitation....have her read some of the stuff in the girls only forum where we women-folk talk about how much we love riding, maybe it will change her perspective. Bottom line is, you can't force her to do something she doesn't like. You have to decide what's more important to you. Sharing that passion with her or having a woman who accepts your passion without having an interest in trying it. Good Luck

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