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ring shopping help


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yeah, it's getting to be about that time where i need to be buying the lady a ring and was wondering if anyone had suggestions for jewelry stores in the area that have good prices. i figured some of you guys have been through this before so any help would be great.

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I was skeptical, but I was hoping it you meant piston rings. Sadly, you mean the 'turn your girlfriend into a filthy prostitute' rings. I mean, breaking it own to brass tacks: Money for sex.

It's not too late to turn your failboat around... don't do it!

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haha, this failboat has pretty much set sail, it's going on 3 years this year and she (and everyone else in our families) pestering me at every opportunity. @CS: she wants that same one but princess cut. and i've done a pretty good job of keeping my balls out of the jar thus far, lol.

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wow dude...you shoulda hopped on IDG when they were going under...i got a 5k ring for 1200 for my girl...wasnt quite ready yet to buy one, but hell for that price i couldnt say no

but just to be productive...this thread was just on CR, and the general consensus was www.bluenile.com

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haha, this failboat has pretty much set sail, it's going on 3 years this year and she (and everyone else in our families) pestering me at every opportunity. @CS: she wants that same one but princess cut. and i've done a pretty good job of keeping my balls out of the jar thus far, lol.

For being a guy that 'smashes weights' you're pretty weak. :p

I've held off for almost 10 yrs now... and I'm not changing my outlook anytime soon.

Look, think about it. What is marriage? There are 3 components:

1) Religious

2) Legal

3) Emotion

1) Religious -- that's fine if that's what you believe in. You make a promise to one single lady for the rest of your mortal life in front of your friends/family because whatever faith you practice says that's how things are done, to properly to start a family, bear children, etc... Well, guess what? I can pee in a girls vag and she can pop out a kid without making a pledge to God. If the religious aspect was so important, God would've made us barren until we got married, or sacrificed goats, or whatever.

2) Government/Legal -- With the way the laws are written to favor women in a divorce situation, I don't need the government involved to tell me I have to support some crazy bitch if I realized too late she was a crazy bitch, or turned into one sometime in the future. More often than not, it will end bitterly, and you will be taken to the cleaners.

3) Emotion -- This is the only valid ground to be with someone. You "love them", which can be done on a day-to-day basis. I don't know anyone that can predict the future and with the divorce rates now, people fall out of love all the time. So be it, separate, no harm no foul -- I don't need the government and courts involved with my decisions at that point.

Not that there aren't advantages to being married, but the cons outweigh the pros for me.

Don't even get me started on the ring thing. That's for gold diggers. And until someone can explain to me how some shiny piece of metal, some TANGIBLE item is equivalent to an INTANGIBLE emotional feeling or connection -- I don't plan on buying a ring.

Now, I would rethink my whole stance on all of this, if they outlawed divorce and made adultery a criminal offense. But at present, marriage is a sham and mockery just for the simple fact that you can pledge someone a lifetime, and take back that pledge.


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Don't even get me started on the ring thing. That's for gold diggers. And until someone can explain to me how some shiny piece of metal, some TANGIBLE item is equivalent to an INTANGIBLE emotional feeling or connection -- I don't plan on buying a ring.

I would take an airplane or a new motorcycle in exchange for the ring. Money better spent :D

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Wow. Gotta agree on the marriage thing. If your living with someone, spending all your time together, etc...then why ruin it with marriage? lol. Your going to spend thousands of dollars for a piece of paper? :nono:

Her rings were only a few hundred each. And we got married at a library in Cali. :D So it was cheap.

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I just don't get it. lol. To each their own though. All i'm gonna say at the moment. :D

Oh no, I'm not dissing anyone that doesn't want to get married. Like you said to each there own. I know people that have been together for years and years and aren't married but it works for them

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Diamond Cellar. When the marriage doesn't work out, you can take the diamond back, trade it in, get the same amount that you spent on it originally toward something else, and buy a Tag Heuer Carrera for yourself, and a nice gift for your mom and sister. Not that I'd know this from personal experience, mind you. :D

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Oh no, I'm not dissing anyone that doesn't want to get married. Like you said to each there own. I know people that have been together for years and years and aren't married but it works for them

No worries brother. lol. I guess i've just heard too many brutal horror stories. Also...if i ever got lucky and became successful...i would find the one person to take all my shit haha. Or...at least the shit that matters. The toys.

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