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ring shopping help


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FWIW, I bought a really nice setting at IDG when they were going under and got the stone on Bluenile.com. IDG was even happy to mount it for me since they didn't have any loose diamonds anymore.

The granularity that you can search for diamonds on bluenile is amazing and the prices are better than any local jeweler and the stone comes with a GIA certification. Learn your 4 Cs and shop there, I was thoroughly impressed with the site.

This is what I came up with. Bluenile even sent me a nice box. :)


Edited by vw151
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tried that, five bikes in the garage then she wants the ring

They always want the ring eventually. For some reason or another I remember a while back my ex thought I was getting her a ring. I told I was getting her something round. I bought her new tires.

I did end up getting her ring at Fred Meyer. They had nice stones well priced, but that 5 years ago or so, hell, I can't remember. maybe I shouldn't suggest them since we see how my marriage turned out.

That is how jewelers should advertise; by how long their customers stay married.:eek:

Don't take this post the wrong way, I'm just newly single and being a dick about it. I enjoyed being married, I hate doing dishes. ;)

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Don't buy your diamond at any store around Columbus. Buy the ring and diamond separate you'll save yourself a ton of money. I've looked at rings and diamonds at a bunch of places around Diamond Cellar is way too over priced hands down. I would suggest Meyers on Stringtown and make sure you haggle with them. There a really good diamond dealer in Dayton if you PM I'll send you his details (a few of my friends just used him and got some really nice rocks for a lot cheaper than you'll find here).

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For being a guy that 'smashes weights' you're pretty weak. :p

I've held off for almost 10 yrs now... and I'm not changing my outlook anytime soon.

Look, think about it. What is marriage? There are 3 components:

1) Religious

2) Legal

3) Emotion

1) Religious -- that's fine if that's what you believe in. You make a promise to one single lady for the rest of your mortal life in front of your friends/family because whatever faith you practice says that's how things are done, to properly to start a family, bear children, etc... Well, guess what? I can pee in a girls vag and she can pop out a kid without making a pledge to God. If the religious aspect was so important, God would've made us barren until we got married, or sacrificed goats, or whatever.

2) Government/Legal -- With the way the laws are written to favor women in a divorce situation, I don't need the government involved to tell me I have to support some crazy bitch if I realized too late she was a crazy bitch, or turned into one sometime in the future. More often than not, it will end bitterly, and you will be taken to the cleaners.

3) Emotion -- This is the only valid ground to be with someone. You "love them", which can be done on a day-to-day basis. I don't know anyone that can predict the future and with the divorce rates now, people fall out of love all the time. So be it, separate, no harm no foul -- I don't need the government and courts involved with my decisions at that point.

Not that there aren't advantages to being married, but the cons outweigh the pros for me.

Don't even get me started on the ring thing. That's for gold diggers. And until someone can explain to me how some shiny piece of metal, some TANGIBLE item is equivalent to an INTANGIBLE emotional feeling or connection -- I don't plan on buying a ring.

Now, I would rethink my whole stance on all of this, if they outlawed divorce and made adultery a criminal offense. But at present, marriage is a sham and mockery just for the simple fact that you can pledge someone a lifetime, and take back that pledge.


my sentiments exactly! i think you have to be my new best friend so I don't stray from this :lol:

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I was skeptical, but I was hoping it you meant piston rings. Sadly, you mean the 'turn your girlfriend into a filthy prostitute' rings. I mean, breaking it own to brass tacks: Money for sex.

It's not too late to turn your failboat around... don't do it!

i thought once you got married, you had less and less sex until your relationship is just a frigid shell of what it used to be.

so wouldnt it be money for not sex?

mans point of view: sweet, now that im married, i can get BJ all the time

womans POV: now that im married, i never have to suck another dick again.

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Look, think about it. What is marriage? There are 3 components:

1) Religious

2) Legal

3) Emotion

1) Religious -- that's fine if that's what you believe in. You make a promise to one single lady for the rest of your mortal life in front of your friends/family because whatever faith you practice says that's how things are done, to properly to start a family, bear children, etc... Well, guess what? I can pee in a girls vag and she can pop out a kid without making a pledge to God. If the religious aspect was so important, God would've made us barren until we got married, or sacrificed goats, or whatever.

2) Government/Legal -- With the way the laws are written to favor women in a divorce situation, I don't need the government involved to tell me I have to support some crazy bitch if I realized too late she was a crazy bitch, or turned into one sometime in the future. More often than not, it will end bitterly, and you will be taken to the cleaners.

3) Emotion -- This is the only valid ground to be with someone. You "love them", which can be done on a day-to-day basis. I don't know anyone that can predict the future and with the divorce rates now, people fall out of love all the time. So be it, separate, no harm no foul -- I don't need the government and courts involved with my decisions at that point.

Not that there aren't advantages to being married, but the cons outweigh the pros for me.

Don't even get me started on the ring thing. That's for gold diggers. And until someone can explain to me how some shiny piece of metal, some TANGIBLE item is equivalent to an INTANGIBLE emotional feeling or connection -- I don't plan on buying a ring.

Now, I would rethink my whole stance on all of this, if they outlawed divorce and made adultery a criminal offense. But at present, marriage is a sham and mockery just for the simple fact that you can pledge someone a lifetime, and take back that pledge.


You may actually be my brother from another mother.

Whenever someone (always a girl) asks me why I am so against marriage, my response is why are women always so hell bent on getting married. I mean if your happy, your happy right.

Dont even get me started on the ring bullshit. After reading this article you will realize in a heartbeat how worthless a diamond really is...


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You may actually be my brother from another mother.

Whenever someone (always a girl) asks me why I am so against marriage, my response is why are women always so hell bent on getting married. I mean if your happy, your happy right.

Dont even get me started on the ring bullshit. After reading this article you will realize in a heartbeat how worthless a diamond really is...


That article is from '03?

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I guess I didnt realize to the full extent how many jaded, cynical guys and gals we have on this board when it comes to marraige.

Don't get me wrong, I've never been in a hurry to get hitched and I don't have a one track mind about it. Reading people's responses is just kinda depressing.

It's crazy how far we seem to have come from our parents or grandparents generation. I mean, living together in an unwedded state like Schmuck and I do would have been unheard-of when my Nana and Papa were dating. She seemed somewhat uncomfortable and disappointed that we were living together and it was kind of a reality check to me. I explained to her that these days it's just kinda commonplace to do such a thing and many people don't think anything of it.

On the other hand, the OP is about to make an important commitment to the woman he loves and I think comments like 'Getting married is failboat' are inappropriate. Maybe just congratulate the guy and give him a recommendation of where to buy a ring! I know...it's an online forum and people want to say whatever they feel....

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On the other hand, the OP is about to make an important commitment to the woman he loves and I think comments like 'Getting married is failboat' are inappropriate. Maybe just congratulate the guy and give him a recommendation of where to buy a ring! I know...it's an online forum and people want to say whatever they feel....


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That article is from '03?

Yep, but still very much valid. If you need gear that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to differentiate a man-made diamond from a natural one, chances are good that no one is going to call you out on the difference, ever. All the rest, like "it's not a symbol of eternal love if it was just made last week" is marketing bullshit. Kinda like the reason you buy a diamond in the first place.

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Yep, but still very much valid. If you need gear that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to differentiate a man-made diamond from a natural one, chances are good that no one is going to call you out on the difference, ever. All the rest, like "it's not a symbol of eternal love if it was just made last week" is marketing bullshit. Kinda like the reason you buy a diamond in the first place.

Yeah, I wasn't thinking the article was invalid. I'd actually just like to know some more recent news, if they've had 7 more years to work on manufacturing diamonds.

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Yeah, I wasn't thinking the article was invalid. I'd actually just like to know some more recent news, if they've had 7 more years to work on manufacturing diamonds.

What your not considering is that people were actually getting threatened by death for the technology. (AKA Debeers) since it would ruin the diamond industry which debeers basically controls.

The point was to show that the same diamond you get as a ring that cost 6-20K is absolutely worthless considering that a real diamond of absolute perfect quality can be made for fractions of a cent. Pretty pathetic knowing you bought a rock that was not even perfect for 10K when a perfect one can be made for $200 / ct. It just goes to show the worthless value of diamonds.

"The only way to tell them apart is that they are "Too Perfect"

Horray, lets go buy a crappier stone for 100x the cost. Doesnt really make sense does it.

There is allot of politics behind keeping the technology for the industrial word and not the consumer world since like I said, it would completely destroy the consumer diamond industry. People would start turning up dead... No joke.

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