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Neighbor is a prick!


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I definitely will never live anywhere with an HOA again. It's never posed a problem. We accepted the fact we couldn't have a fence but the dog does fine with the underground one. We do have a hot tub to install. I checked the deed and it's ok. But I bet he'll try to get us in trouble for that too.

My PT Cruiser was parked out front for several months but it looked fine and had current tags, so that's probably why I didn't hear about that too.

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You should get a boat, on a trailer...

Or one of my coworkers said one of her friends from her neighborhood 'inherited' a motorhome when their uncle passed or something and the people had no where to put it but in their driveway. One of those neighborhoods where parking anything outside overnight is a no-no.

I guess that ulimately leads to, buy a $800 1976 Winnebago and just park it SOMEWHERE on your property or in the street. Bonus points if you take in a few homeless or live out there yourself one or two nights a week. Be sure to run extension cords out to it and have the wastewater tank drain connected with a hose directly to the street sewer... in the open air.

Post up how long that lasts. :D

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From LoveMyLawn.com a couple days ago:

My neighbor is so fucking ridiculous!

I've lived with the unused car parked out front for several weeks at a time. I've come to grips with the fact that they hardly ever mow the fuckin lawn. I've learned to sleep with earplugs because they insist on revving up their rice rockets in the middle of the night and honk their horns whenever they lock the car.

But today was the last straw. I guess their wannabe redneck came out. They drug a trailer out of the garage and stuck it in the yard.

That's it. I'm going to the HOA.

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We never did that until he started mowing at 7am!

7am is not bad. Not great, but not bad. People are, or should be, getting up for work about then.

I had a neighbor who would start mowing his grass during the summer before the official sunrise, often starting between 6:15 and 6:30am; sometimes I wondered how he could see where he had mowed. I didn't even get my kid up for school that early. I think he did it because it was hot out.

However, I'd see the trash truck waiting down the street until 6:29am because they weren't allowed to pick up trash until 6:30a because it was too noisy and people complained. That neighborhood sucked though; people with dogs that chased the mail carrier and wouldn't close their front door to keep the dog in, ladies that let their cats roam during the day then walked the street at 11pm yelling their cats' names.

(not an HOA.)

I took steps to make friends in the current neighborhood; so far, so good. Plus it's mostly older people. Worst they do is mow their grass 3x a week, get lawn service, and make my lawn look like junk with all the dandelions. ;-)


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So can I but why be such a pussy? What ever happened to just knocking on the door and talking with your neighbors....

Lawyers happened. I can see it now, they knock on the door just to talk, prick neighbor gets a lawyer to sell there house from under them because "they are violent and make the neighborhood hostel" all because, according to prick neighbor, they tried to kick in his door

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Yeah, this. When I first moved into my condo, I had the tv and surround on kinda loud, while watching a movie. I admit it was kinda late, but I guess it was really loud next door. He came over and asked me to turn it down. I obliged. It was easier than calling the cops, and we still talk.

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There are many reasons why... just a few examples:

1) Your schedules don't overlap. For instance, Bunny says she works 3rd shift, and if the neighbor has a reg. 8-5 job they may never have a chance to speak.

2) Your neighbor is known to be difficult or confrontational so having a neutral third party handle the matter may be the best route -- and

3) You want to start/have a record or paper trail of the nuisance if it continues.

... Sure, talking would be a good first option, but you never know how someone if going to react when getting into situations like that. I mean, people can get offended if you say the wrong thing to insinuate their property is 'trashy' or an eyesore. And "How dare you tell me what I can and can't do on MY property" -- sometimes it's just better to let the people who have the authority to handle it, handle it.

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Lawyers happened. I can see it now, they knock on the door just to talk, prick neighbor gets a lawyer to sell there house from under them because "they are violent and make the neighborhood hostel" all because, according to prick neighbor, they tried to kick in his door

I think this is a little overdramatic. Lol.

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Yeah, this. When I first moved into my condo, I had the tv and surround on kinda loud, while watching a movie. I admit it was kinda late, but I guess it was really loud next door. He came over and asked me to turn it down. I obliged. It was easier than calling the cops, and we still talk.

yea whatever happened to people manning up? When we first moved in to our place same thing happened except it was the bass from my roommate playing guitar hero. Girl next door asked if we can turn the bass down cuz it was vibrating the wall and making her dog bark

on the flip side, the dude across the street called our landlord because I made a short exhaust vid of the bike and revved it probably to 5-6k....at 8pm! He goes to work later than me and comes home before me, I kinda thought that was a pussy move since he couldn't even come over and ask himself

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respect begets respect.

If my neighbor is childish enough to rev their bike up at 2 or 3 am, I wouldn't expect them to be mature enough to handle a verbal discussion on an issue as simple as something forbidden in the HOA rules.

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