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A Motorcyclists Funeral


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If you thought you'd previously seen it all, well, you're wrong. Case

in point: David Morales Colón, a 22-year-old Puerto Rican man who was

shot to death last Thursday, and whose wake is now making headlines

here in the United States mainland. How come? Well, suffice it to say

that the funeral directors at Marin Funeral Home in San Juan's Hato Rey

neighborhood have a flair for the unorthodox. For example, in 2008,

they embalmed another young shooting victim and displayed his body standing up for the duration of a multi-day wake.

Back to the present: Yesterday and today, callers who stopped to pay

their final respects to the late Mr. Colón got a bit of a surprise.

Instead of the traditional presentation of the body in a casket, Mr.

Colón's corpse, dressed in casual duds and sunglasses, was instead

posed in a very lifelike position atop his Repsol-liveried Honda CBR600

F4. According to Puerto Rico's Primera Hora

newspaper, the motorcycle was given to the victim by his uncle, and

upon Mr. Colón's untimely demise, family members delivered the bike to

the funeral home specifically for this unusual wake.

Lest you think this is some sort of insane hoax, here's the link to the local Primera Hora coverage, which features a multi-shot photo gallery, and here's the less detailed Associated Press wire version, which is presently making the rounds. Finally, we've got a video posted after the jump. We'll say this: David Morales Colón rides into the afterlife in memorable style.


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Hey, its your last wish... why not? I think its cool.

where'd they say it was his last wish?

My wife and I were talking about funeral plans after her great-aunt died.

I jokingly said, "i want my funeral to be a party. get the crying done early, then cremate me, and have everybody roast marshmellows over my burning corpse. It'll be great. I want my ashes spread at a race track. Just open my urn on the front straight, and let me take one last tumble at 100mph."

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I was at a funeral in Continental several years ago.... Guy died on his bike. They actually had the bike parked next to the casket

I actually wouldn't mind that at my funeral. I love riding. Don't mourn my death; celebrate my life. Hopefully the people I loved show up to my funeral - why not have the bike I loved there too?

A woman died in a WERA race last year, and they had a mock grid at the cemetery, with an empty space for her bike. I thought it was actually a really nice gesture by her racing buddies.

I may be mixing up her funeral with someone else's, but I think they also had a picture of her on the track, and hung her leathers next to the casket.

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LoLz. I just posted this on my facebook and then log on to see it here too. Some of the staff at the hospital that doesn't even ride was talking about this so we googled it and low and behold we found this. Hey to each there own but I think it would scare the crap outta the kids. :)

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